The word for which (what) has four forms: MASCULINE: QUEL FEMININE: QUELLE MASCULINE PLURAL: QUELS FEMININE PLURAL: QUELLES Quel will come before a noun.


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Presentation transcript:

The word for which (what) has four forms: MASCULINE: QUEL FEMININE: QUELLE MASCULINE PLURAL: QUELS FEMININE PLURAL: QUELLES Quel will come before a noun. It will agree with the noun that follows in number and gender.

In French, if what is followed by the word is or are, you will use quel in one of its forms. What are you classes? Quelles sont tes classes? It will agreee with the noun which comes after the verb.

Which surfboard are you buying? Quelle planche de surf est-ce que tu achètes? Which kite do you like? Quel cerf-volant est-ce que tu aimes? Which earrings are inexpensive? Quelles boucles doreilles sont bon marché? Which are your sandales? Quelles sont tes sandales?