The Prophets/Prophetic Apostle Damian Hinton
What is Prophecy It comes from the Greek word propheteuo, which means ‘to foretell’. It can also mean to declare something which is divinely revealed. Prophecy refers to anytime the Holy Spirit communicates the heart and mind of God for a particular person, place or situation. Prophecy can apply to the past, present or the future. When a prophecy is given it can carry within it some or all of the other three prophetic gifts.
Kenneth Hagin Prophecy is a supernatural utterance in a known tongue.… The Hebrew meaning of the phrase, “to prophecy” is to flow forth. It also carries with it the thought: to bubble forth like a fountain, to let drop, to lift up, to tumble forth, and to spring forth. The Greek word that is translated “prophesy” means to speak for another. So “prophesy” can mean to speak for God or to be His spokesman.
Derek Prince [The gift of prophecy is] the ability to speak, in a language understood by the believer, words that are inspired and given by the Holy Spirit.… Like all the other gifts, it is made possible only by the supernatural operation of the Holy Spirit…. The first purpose is to edify…. To edify simply means “to build up or strengthen.”… The second purpose is to exhort, which means “to stimulate, to encourage, to admonish, and to stir up.”… The third purpose is to comfort, which, in contemporary words, means “to cheer up.”
Prophecy This is one of the Fivefold ministries and also a foundational office. Prophets are watchmen and the Lord entrusts them with the responsibility of hearing and declaring His heart and mind for people, nations, situations, and seasons. The prophet’s office is usually accompanied by the anointing, gift or grace of prophecy, word of knowledge, word of wisdom and discerning of spirits (1 Cor. 12: 8–10). Prophets have the grace to open up new levels within believers and over regions and nations. This is because prophets speak the very Word of God which moves with the Spirit’s power and angelic hosts to manifest it.
Four Quadrants of the Prophetic There are generally four types of prophets, or four main ways prophets receive prophetic messages from God. The four quadrants.
Four Quadrants of the Prophetic 1) Hearer: This type hears from God either through a still small voice or an audible voice. They can also hear from angels. 2) Seer: This type mainly sees pictures or images, through trances dreams and visions. 3) Feeler/ knower: This type feels or knows that God wants to say or do something. 4) Nabi: This type of prophet speaks and God fills their mouth. The prophecies bubble forth or flow as they speak; they usually have no form of revelation until they speak.