Write 3 interesting facts about your Native American tribe! Warm Up: Write 3 interesting facts about your Native American tribe!
Steps to completing your project: Step 2: Research/Note taking With your group, research information about your tribe for each of the categories listed above. As you research, take notes to organize your thoughts. Your notes will be collected and graded along with your final presentation. Step 3: Creating your poster After you have researched your tribe and turned in your notes, begin creating a poster to represent the information you gathered. Your poster should be organized into clear categories. Create a boarder to separate each category and include a picture or symbol beside each one. For each category, list 3-5 facts to explain that aspect of the tribe’s culture. Step 4: Presentation Once you have finished researching and creating your poster, you will prepare a presentation to teach the class about your tribe. Practice your presentation ahead of time and make sure each group member contributes!
Group work: Work with your group. Talking to another group can distract them from their tasks and hinder their learning as well as your own. Direct your attention toward the other members of your group at all times. Stay on task. As interesting as the football game or tv show on last night is, you are in class and should remained focused on your group assignments.