Last Week We looked at the allusion of baptism.


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Presentation transcript:

Last Week We looked at the allusion of baptism. Romans 6:4 – it says “Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.”

This Week: We place focus on our choice and need to be crucified with Christ.

Understanding our need and choice to be crucified with Christ Will help us to: Understand what it means for “Christ who lives in me”. “Walk in newness of life” because “Christ lives in me”. Rom 6:4; Gal 2:20

No man is righteous before God Job 4:17 “Can mankind be just before God? Can a man be pure before his Maker?” Psa 130:3 “If You, LORD, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand?” Man can be so wicked as to harm and destroy others in ways no beast could ever imagine.

But, Christ the “son of man”, is righteous before God The son of man was able to be presented before the Ancient of Days. Dan 7:9-14 And, in the likeness of man, was obedient to the point of (a crucified) death. Phil 2:8

Crucified with Christ We are found righteous by faith in Christ. Phil 3:7-11 This is Paul’s point when denouncing those who strive to be justified before God: Gal 2:16-21 Either through the law of Moses. Or, through “the flesh” (man’s effort at being righteous before God without Christ).

Jesus calls us to be crucified with Him He died for our sins so that we would die to sin. 1 Pet 2:24 The initial act of baptism: going down into the water. Is in the likeness of Jesus’ (crucified) death. Signifies our crucifying the old man of sin. Rom 6:6 Illustrates the first half of repentance; the second half (coming up out of the water) illustrates a resurrected life.

Are you crucified with Christ?