Other Reflexive Verbs P. 305 Realidades 2
Other Reflexive Verbs You know that you use reflexive verbs to say that people do something to or for themselves. Felipe se afeitaba mientras yo me cepillaba los dientes.
Other Reflexive Verbs Other reflexive verbs use reflexive pronouns and verb forms but do not have the meaning of a person doing an action to or for himself or herself.
Other Reflexive Verbs These reflexive verbs often describe a change in mental, emotional, or physical state, and can express the idea that someone “gets” or “becomes.”
Other Reflexive Verbs Here are some of these verbs:
Other Reflexive Verbs Aburrirse Casarse Divertirse Dormirse Enojarse Ponerse (furioso,etc.) Volverse loco, -a To get bored To get married To have fun To fall asleep To become angry To become furious To go crazy
Ellos se durmieron durante la película They fell asleep during the movie. Él se puso alegre después de ganar He became happy after winning