Fig. 3. Demonstration of planning of surgical approach via preoperative DTI. Coronal MRI (A) and DTI (B) show left thalamic tumor with anteromedially displaced thalamus and laterally deviated PLIC. The transparietal approach was adopted, and gross total resection was performed (C). Coronal MRI (D) and DTI (E) show a right thalamic tumor with anteromedially displaced thalamus and anteromedially deviated PLIC. Tumor was radically removed via a transtemporal approach (F). DTI, diffusion tensor imaging; PLIC, posterior limb of internal capsule. Fig. 3. Demonstration of planning of surgical approach via preoperative DTI. Coronal MRI (A) and DTI (B) show left thalamic tumor with anteromedially displaced thalamus and laterally deviated PLIC. The transparietal approach was adopted, and gross total resection was performed (C)… Brain Tumor Res Treat. 2018 Oct;6(2):60-67.