Transformation and Innovation June 2018 – Regina SK Marilyn Lustig-McEwen, Queen’s Printer Shelley Fiesel, Financial & Publications Centre Analyst Publications Saskatchewan
Organizational Chart for Publications Saskatchewan
New since QPAC 2017 Ministry of Justice and Attorney General restructuring. Two reorganizations occurred: 1. Innovation and Legislation Division; 2. Innovation Division. Publications Saskatchewan (effective April 1, 2017) instead of Office of the Queen’s Printer. Discontinued ISC Corporate Registry printing. All GoS publications part of Publications Centre. Added historical legislation. New website almost finished – in testing and about to begin document migration. Financial issues. Partnered with more areas for online payment including QPAC Pitch: to centralize all internal government printing through PS
Publications Saskatchewan QP common products/solutions: Legislation – consolidation; research; print and digital on demand In house print: simple to complex – supplier/machine reliant Design and editing – reports, forms, bylaws, etc. Digitization – searchable, fast, inexpensive (bounds, Gazette, etc.) – complete design and on-demand printing Modernization of paper-based systems – still building historical legislation collection; working with other ministries. Freelaw® and Publications Centre E-commerce with ability to retain earnings in revolving fund
Subscription Statistics 2018 Statutes of Saskatchewan Bound volume - 92 The Saskatchewan Gazette - 88 Loose-leaf statutes - 85 Loose-leaf regulations - 32 Separate Chapters - 33 Tables – 69 Rules of Court (English/French) – 220\5 Loose-leaf urban municipalities - 125 Loose-leaf rural municipalities - 118
Other Features of Service Publishing, Hosting and Distributing – paper and online publish books for private authors (ie. legal textbooks) publish OCs and News Releases in catalogue fulfill orders through Publications Centre (ie. commission inquiry reports) perform print on demand to replace inventory system (ie. Education curricula; Health bulletins for schools) host websites, catalogue information Forms design
Features cont’d Administrative website catalogue products process orders and capture funds ability to add shipping & handling fee full reporting, quarterly pay-back (revolving fund advantage) compatibility with; cloud-hosted
Expansion Considerations Possibly work with Legislative Library on catalogue. Merchandise “ Store” in back pocket. Forms – a work in progress – success with PDF and LiveCycle but looking at forms system. Open source/open government – Executive Council in charge. Open to collaboration (other jurisdictions) Expand private-public partnerships in publishing Change GoS to print on demand
Challenges Ahead Historical legislation is not getting any newer Budget restraints – staff, technology, copy and scan equipment, developing apps, e-books Last statute revision was 1978 Viability of Gazette French translation Demand for paper is still high Archiving and retention of historical records Maintaining consistent and reliable content in a single trusted source Copyright Other jurisdictions changing approaches
Marilyn Lustig-McEwen 306-787-9345 or Shelley Fiesel and Marilyn Lustig-McEwen 306-787-9345 or Shelley Fiesel 306-787-8223 or