Unit 1 How can I get there? Read and write
Review traffic lights turn left turn right at the crossing go straight
Look and say map compass
GPS stars
Where can you usually see the GPS? Does Robin has GPS? How does he get it? What is he doing now?
Listen to the passage and think the questions.
Where do they want to go? Where are they now?
Is the restaurant far? No, it isn’t.
far = not near near = not far
奏效,起作用 Here is a hospital. I‘ll = I will and / or / but
Task one √ Two. works
Task two go straight turn left turn right
Task Group work Act the dialogue in role.
Listen to the radio and find the rules.
Summary 1.方位词:in front of, behind… 2.路线:turn left, turn right, go straight 3.地点:at the bookstore/ hospital… 4. 口语化的表达: e.g. There is the restaurant! My new GPS works. Is it far?
Thank you !