Ocular dominance maps in an animal in which the hemisphere contralateral to the deprived eye had been injected with chondroitinase. Ocular dominance maps in an animal in which the hemisphere contralateral to the deprived eye had been injected with chondroitinase. The top row shows the surface view of the dorsal part of the primary visual cortex on the day when the deprived right eye was reopened and the left hemisphere was injected (stars mark injection sites). It then shows the ocular dominance map for the nondeprived left eye followed by the ocular dominance map for the deprived right eye. Dark regions indicate areas of response through the stimulated eye. Note that the left and right eye maps are negatives of each other; they are both shown to facilitate visual comparison. The middle row illustrates cortical surface and the left and right eye ocular dominance maps 1 week (wk) later; the bottom row shows the same 2 weeks (wks) later. Arrows indicate orientation (A, anterior; R, right). Scale bar, 2 mm. Vasily Vorobyov et al. J. Neurosci. 2013;33:234-243 ©2013 by Society for Neuroscience