EGB (Enseñanza General Obligatioria) (compulsory general school) -Initial cycle: 1st and 2nd of EGB - Intermediate cycle: 3rd, 4th and 5th of EGB - Higher cycle: 6th, 7th and 8th of EGB. They were also called: - First stage: 1st, 2nd,3rd, 4th and 5th of EGB - Second stage: 6th, 7th and 8th of EGB. Once finished the EGB, students could choose BUP or FP( Bachillerato or Vocational Studie.s)
The Regimen General (General Scheme) of education consists on different stages: - Pre-school: Free but not compulsory. From 0 to 6 years. Two educative cycles with both an educative and assistance character. - Primary or elementary school ( compulsory ) From 6 to 12 years. Three cycles: initial 1 st and 2 nd, intermediate 3 rd and 4 th and advanced 5 th and 6 th. - Secondary school (compulsory) From 12 to 16 years. Two cycles: 1 st and 2 nd ESO – 3 rd and 4 th ESO. At the end of Secondary Studies, the students obtain the degree of Graduate in Secondary Education. - Bachillerato and Vocational studies. (not compulsory) Two years and many different modalities.
-According to the research by our students participating in our Comenius Project, 26.5 % of the Spanish students leave school after finishing compulsory education. However, and due to the universal crisis we are suffering, since 2008 about 55 % of the students who dropped out have returned to take classes at adult schools (ESA), and 70% at vocational education.
- Because of the alarming percentage of students who decide not to continue their studies, the Spanish government is committed to reduce early dropout up to a 15% by 2020.
According to some experts, as long as the economical crisis goes on and the rate of job offer decreases, absenteeism will decrease as in the last years. This is due to the fact that in the past many young people stopped studying for any other job, considered to be easy money
Another reason for young people to drop out of school is the family economy. Currently the Government is reducing the number of scholarships asking for more requirements to get them.
-It is the high figure of students who repeat a year before reaching 15 years old (this is, 40% of Spanish people ). -To get their degree in Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO), they cannot fail more than two subjects at the end of the school year, or three as long as the educational team considers it as appropriate in some special cases.
We have organized a special activity at IES San Sebastián: four students who dropped out of school in their previous lives and came back to school later told personally their experiences to a group of their classmates and other students of our school. With this type of lectures we encourage our students to carry on studying, avoiding school drop. Nowadays, these people continue studying here, at Secondary Education, addressed to adult people, or in Diversification groups (PCPI), which make easier their adaptation. They range from 18 to 49 years old