Ephesians 4:1-6
One Faith
“”What religious organization do you associate with?” “Of what faith are you?” “”What religious organization do you associate with?” Praise concept of “many faiths” – differing forms of religious response to God.
Does God Accept the Concept of “Many Faiths?” IS Denominationalism What Christ Died For?
ONE FAITH Why Do We Find So Many “Faiths” in The World Today? Departures From The Faith- Forbidding to Marry where God has Not Forbidden 1 Timothy 4:1-4 Commanding where God has Not Commanded Mark 7:5-8 Substituting For God’s Laws Leviticus 10:1
What is The Faith? “ONCE FOR ALL DELIVERED” – Jude 3 “perpetual validity, not requiring repetition.” AN ORGANIZED BODY OF TRUTH - Acts 6:7 “obedient to the faith.” 1 Timothy 4:1 “depart from the faith” COMPLETE, ABLE TO MAKE US COMPLETE- 2 Timothy 3:16,17
What is The Faith? POWERFUL- Romans 10:17 faith by hearing John 6:44,45 heard & learned comes Romans 1:16 power unto salvation James 1:21 word able to save your soul INDESTRUCTIBLE- Matthew 24:35 “never pass away” 1 Peter 1:25 “abides forever”
Galatians 3:23,24 Before “THE FAITH” Came, the Law of Moses was in Effect – “kept under guard by the law” Hebrews 8:13 “New Covenant” Law of Moses ONLY Given for the JEWS Deuteronomy 5:2,3 Covenant with THEM Ephesians 2:11-16 “abolished in His flesh… the law of commandments” Hebrews 9:19,20; 10:1-4
Galatians 3:25 “But after THE FAITH Has come, we are no longer under a tutor.” No One is Under the Law of Moses Any Longer – Mark 16:15,16 “all the world” Jesus is Our Lawgiver – John 1:17 “grace & truth came through Jesus Christ” Matthew 28:18 “All authority” given to Him in Heaven and on Earth Hebrews 1:1,2 “spoken to us by His Son”
The Blood of Christ Hebrews 9:12-14 “Once For All” Forgiveness is COMPLETE – Hebrews 8:12 “remember no more” Jeremiah 31:31-34 Only ONE FAITH UNCHANGEABLE Must Know What is Contained IN IT Acts 2:38 “repent and be baptized”