& Use Your Motivational Skills & Talents Develop & Use Your Motivational Skills & Talents Crystal Flaman Leisure Development Course 2019 Silverstar Resort
The Marshmallow Challenge 20 spaghetti sticks String Tape One marshmallow GOAL: build the tallest free-standing structure with the marshmallow on top. 18 minutes.
The Marshmallow Challenge GOAL: build the tallest free-standing structure with the marshmallow on top. HOW to reach your goal? Always assess, measure and evaluate your progress…with your goal in mind.
Surrender To Your Goals Plan Focus Follow through
Motivation – A simple method Plan Vision Purpose Talents Focus Details Health Gratitude Follow through – commitment
Motivation – A simple method Plan Vision Purpose Talents Focus Details Health Gratitude WHY? Follow through – commitment
What is The One Thing I could do _______, such that by doing it, everything else would become easier or unnecessary?
Motivation requires reminders!
What are you going to do today? The miracle isn’t that you finish. The miracle is that you have the courage to start! George Sheehan
What are you going to do today? Where we left off yesterday… What are you going to do today?
4 Simple Ideas To Develop Motivation: How do you develop personal motivation? 5 minutes to discuss at your tables.
4 Simple Ideas To Develop Motivation: Start with yourself FIRST and create a bigger WHY Make the journey from your head to your HEART (from success to SIGNIFICANCE) Share YOUR innate gifts & talents Focus intentionally on your GOALS
The longest journey we travel is the distance from our head to our heart.
Know & Share Your Gifts & Talents Our Purpose: ________________________ Our Purpose: To share our gifts & talents To inspire others to discover & share their gifts and talents To use our business or career as a vehicle to create positive change
Develop & Use Your Motivational Skills & Talents What is MOTIVATION? An internal state or condition (need, desire or want) that serves to energize behavior and give it direction. Desire or want that energizes & directs goal-oriented behavior
Develop & Use Your Motivational Skills & Talents INTRINSIC MOTIVATION = motivated by internal factors, for the joy & fun of it = pleasure = personal satisfaction = self-mastery = ________________ EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION = motivation that comes from outside the individual = money or rewards = incentives = recognition = ______________
What motivates YOU?
Your Assignment: Pick 2 goals Join the 90 Day Challenge Plan, focus & follow through (Create your WHY) Report back after 90 days with a 1-page summary of your experience Note: break this down into 3 30 day segments.
If not YOU, then who? If not NOW, then when? Hillel the Elder
Tomorrow isn’t soon enough! Why YOU? There’s no one better! Why NOW? Tomorrow isn’t soon enough!
Your Assignment Pick 2 goals: ___________________ A Very Simple PLAN: 3 action steps per day – just 5 minutes each = 15 minutes In 30 days = 90 steps In 90 days = _____ steps!!!
achieve those goals in the Your Assignment Pick 2 goals: ______________________ Create benchmarks to achieve those goals in the next 90 days.
Then, evaluate your success and move to the next 30 days! Benchmarking Quantifiable by time or number Requires planning, focus & follow through Your habits will be your foundation Are you an Ender or a Repeater? Commit to 30 days. Then, evaluate your success and move to the next 30 days!
What if you knew… The cost of not following your heart is spending the rest of your life wishing you had.
“We are, each of us angels with only one wing; and we can only fly by embracing one another.” Luciano de Crescenzo
What are your really big goals, dreams & wants?
Telling someone about your secret dreams or goals can and will change your life! Pete Holton
“Some of the BEST moments in life are when the body and mind are stretched to their limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile.” ~ Anonymous ~
Pay attention to people who cross your path.
“The miracle isn’t that I finished… The miracle is that I had the courage to start!” George Sheehan
The key to achieving your goals: Put one foot in front of the other. Keep going!
What I know for sure: Share your goals and dreams & watch your life magically unfold. Plan . Focus . Follow through . Share your gifts and talents. Create defining moments in your life by showing up!
What inspires you?
Inspiration & Motivation What inspires you? Inspiration & Motivation 1. Autonomy: independence, freedom choice 2. Mastery: the ability to improve and get better 3. Purpose: the ability to contribute and make a difference
Ask Better Questions #1 Morning Question: What would make today great? Evening Question: What am I grateful for?
What do you need to STOP doing? Ask Better Questions #2: What do you need to STOP doing?
Ask Better Questions #3 The 20 Second Self Test What am I thinking? What am I feeling? What am I doing? How is it working?
Ask Better Questions #4 The Four Questions To Get Out Of A Rut: What are you putting into your body? What are you doing with your body? What are you putting into your mind? Are you sharing your innate gifts?
Ask Better Questions 5. What is your WHY? 6. How are you sabotaging yourself? 7. What is the ONE thing you could do every day? 8. What’s going right? 9. Where are you giving your power away? 10. What can you be grateful for?
Motivation – A Very Simple Roadmap 1. FOCUS 2. CREATE MOMENTUM Fear Define goals clearly and plan Pick 2 SMART goals only Make it fun Read, research, learn Set rewards 2. CREATE MOMENTUM Your glass – half full or half empty? What do you need to do? Surround yourself with positivity Start small Visualization 3. MAINTAIN DIRECTION Stay excited Refine your plan Go public Failure is temporary Find support Measure your progress
4 Currencies Saving $ Saving time Feeling safe Feeling special Donald Cooper
What Stifles or Inhibits Motivation? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0elycSPe0ew
Your Life Purpose Statement: I, __________, inspire or create _____________ through __________, ______________ and ______________.
10 Things That Require ZERO Talent: Being on time Work ethic Effort Body language Energy Attitude Passion Being coachable Doing a little extra Being prepared
CRDC PLAN: Clarity: _________ Reduce: _________ Develop:_________ Create: __________
“We are, each of us angels with only one wing; and we can only fly by embracing one another.” Luciano de Crescenzo