Wednesday, July 31st – Sunday, August 4th GRAND COUNCIL 2019 Wednesday, July 31st – Sunday, August 4th ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA
72nd Grand Council Overview Who: Brothers from across the Country What: The Ultimate Fraternal Experience When: July 31st – August 4th Why: Network and bond with over 600 Brothers anticipated to attend Become a better leader through our multiple leadership track options Take part in our Fraternity business meetings as the Grand Council votes on important legislative policies Vote in the elections of our new Grand Officers and Regional Correspondents Where: Anaheim, California
Tracks to Be Offered Grand Council 2019 will offer a variety of tracks, each one uniquely developing you as a Leader in Pharmacy Delegate Track - for Chapter Delegates Leader Within: Part 1 - for Brothers who have not attended LDS Leader Behind - for Brothers who have attended LDS Officer Training Course: Executive Track - for Brothers who are officers or who have aspirations of being an officer Officer Training Course: Membership Track - for non-officer Brothers Officer Training Course: Education Manual - for Brothers who will be Chapter Facilitators for your Candidates Full Descriptions found here:
2019 Elections to Occur at Grand Council At GC, the Grand Council will vote to elect a new Executive Council: Grand President Grand Vice President for Collegiate Affairs Grand Vice President for Alumni Affairs Grand Vice President for Communications Grand Vice President for Student Affairs 8 new Regional Correspondents will be elected during the Regional Caucuses at GC. Applications are also being accepted for all Regional Director and Project Director positions (some accept both collegiate and alumni Brothers). Interested in Running for Office? Apply now!
WHAT IS A DELEGATE? The ‘Delegate’ is the member responsible for submitting votes on behalf of his/her Chapter during Formal Business Sessions of the Grand Council He or she is a representative for the Chapter, acting as the legislative voice on the Grand Council Each Collegiate Chapter has (1) Collegiate Delegate and (1) Alumni Delegate
HOW TO BECOME A DELEGATE? In the Spring, Chapters should discuss which Collegiate Brother will serve as their Delegate (and alternate Delegate) Chapter should also reach out to Alumni Brothers to determine availability and willingness to travel to Grand Council to serve as your Alumni Delegate (and alternate Alumni Delegate) Your Chapter may have language written into its Constitution and Bylaws mandating officers to serve as Chapter representatives at GC If this is not the case, and you are interested in becoming a Delegate, let your Executive Committee know
WHAT SHOULD I PREPARE AS A DELEGATE? As Delegate for your Chapter, you should be familiar with the policies and amendments to be voted on Topics found here: In addition, the Delegate should also open a dialogue with the rest of the Chapter to discuss how the changes will affect the Chapter if they pass or fail, and determine how the Chapter would like you to initially vote based on the presented information Grand Council 2019, for the first time, will feature a unique track designed specifically for those serving as Delegates The Delegate Track will review business session etiquette and procedures. It will also serve as a committee to review some of the topics being voted on.
What is the Best Reason to Attend GC? The Brotherhood!
Brotherhood Grand Council offers you the opportunity to socialize with Phi Delta Chi Collegiate Brothers from across the country Collegiate Brothers get a chance to meet and network with PDC alumni who will be at the meeting and participating in the tracks Anaheim, CA offers a great backdrop for socializing and nightlife The Brothers you meet at Grand Council make this the Ultimate Fraternal Experience!
How to Register Read FAQ document first! Register at: Full Details and Hotel Information on website Registration Price for Students Early Registration: by June 15 $300 Late Registration: June 16 - July 23 $325 Banquet Only $75
Raising Funds for Grand Council Each Chapter gets 1 free registration to cover the chosen Delegate Your Chapter should NOT have to raise the funds all on your own! Ask the following groups of people to help: Your PDC Alumni Ask them to sponsor some Brothers to attend GC, and then pay it forward when you become an Alumni Brother If you can get 15 Alumni to pay their dues, your Chapter gets a free registration to Grand Council Your school Most schools have travel scholarship money set aside for students to attend national meetings Ask your Chapter Advisor or Dean's office for more information
Questions? Ask your Worthy Correspondent or contact your Regional Correspondent! Great-Lakes: Mid-Atlantic: Mid-West: Mountain: Northeast: Pacific: Southcentral: Southeast:
See you in Anaheim!