Combined Dues Structure To provide a single dues structure for IFTA, Inc. membership. Currently, the cost of operating the Clearinghouse is double what the participating jurisdictions are charged thru the Access Agreement. For those jurisdictions not in the Clearinghouse, you are already paying for most of the cost of maintaining the Clearinghouse, you might as well get access to the data.
Combined Due Structure Benefits Simplicity--One remittance. Every member would pay $11,000 once a year. Encourages participation in the Clearinghouse Allows all jurisdictions access to Clearinghouse data whether or not they are sending transmittals.
Combined Dues Structure Survey—IFTA, Inc. surveyed the jurisdictions to determine if the jurisdictions were in favor of a combined dues structure. Results 45 Jurisdictions favorable to concept of single dues structure 11 jurisdictions did not respond 2 jurisdictions need more information or additional requirements regarding funds netting
Combined Dues Structure Questions?
Combined Dues Structure Motion Move to combine the Access Agreement fees into the IFTA, Inc. Membership dues effective July 1, 2009.