PhD Nursing Orientation Welcome to the program! I am RaeAnna Jeffers, your Health Science & Information Literacy Librarian. You may call me Rae. I come to you with 14 years of nursing experience mostly at the bedside in pediatric & adult care in various specialties. RaeAnna Jeffers, BSN, MS-IS University of Texas at Arlington August 2019
Table of Contents APA Style Help (3) Navigating to Research Guides (5) APA Survival Kit (4) Navigating to Research Guides (5) Search Strategies (12) Boolean Operators (13) Using CINAHL/MeSH Subject Headings (19) Truncation (24) Quotation Marks (25) Library Catalog Search(27) Searching Nursing Databases (31) CINAHL (58) Cochrane Library (43) Joanna Briggs Institute (53) Searching for a Journal (57) Google (60) Google Scholar (63) Interlibrary Loan (76) Additional Help (84) These are the topics we will cover. Don’t worry. I will live demo these in class rather than go through every slide. The slides are available as a backup for later if you forget where to click.
APA Style Help
APA Survival Kit APA Style Blog The blog has a search feature on the right side of the screen. Search for your topic and you will be provided examples and explanations. Searching the blog for answers is much quicker than searching in the APA Style Manual. APA Cheat Sheet This sheet contains the most commonly used citations and references. You can use it to help you double check your references after your reference list is created. TIP: Use a reference management software to create your reference list. Pre-Formatted APA Style Paper The template has all of the required formatting for APA Style set for you. Just overtype the text with your information. Cite Sources Page of the main Nursing guide: These resources will help you manage your workflow. The APA Blog is searchable making it a good place to find up to date answers to your APA questions. The APA Cheat Sheet provides examples of all of the most commonly used citation formats. The pre-formatted APA paper will give you a jumpstart as all of the required attributes are pre-programmed in the paper for you. Just overtype the text. Finally, the Cite Sources page will provide additional resources and links to reference management software.
Navigating to Research Guides
Research Guides Go to This is the library home page. The picture changes frequently.
Click on “Research by Subject” to access research guides.
You will see this screen You will see this screen. Notice the guides are already organized by subject. Research Guides
Scroll down the page to select “Nursing”. Click Research Guides
Click on the research guide you wish to view Click on the research guide you wish to view. The “Nursing” research guide will get you started. Research Guides
Research Guides: Nursing Click through the tabs to review helpful content. Research Guides: Nursing
Let’s learn how to search.
Boolean Operators
Boolean Operators are words that connect and define the relationship between search terms.
AND Narrows the search results. Looks for both of the terms in the database. Retrieves all items with both terms. Dog Cat Dog AND Cat
OR Broadens the search results. Looks for either term in the database. Retrieves items with either term. Cat Dog Dog OR Cat
NOT Cat Dog Results with Cat are eliminated. Dog NOT Cat Narrows the search results. Excludes a term from the database search results. *Google does not exclude results well. Use a minus sign in place of NOT. Cat Dog Results with Cat are eliminated. Dog NOT Cat
Using CINAHL/MeSH Subject Headings
Tip: MeSH Terms can help you find similar terms to search other databases.
(National Center for Biotechnology Information, 2013)
Truncation is a librarian search strategy in which a word ending is replaced by an asterisk.
Truncation Educat* education educational educate educated educates educator educators
Quotation Marks
Quotation Marks Enclose a word or phrase in quotation marks to search for the exact word or phrase. Example: When you enter “Type 2 Diabetes” into the database, the databases searches for the phrase exactly as you’ve typed it.
Library Catalog Search
Library Catalog Search
Library Catalog Search Click on “Advanced Search”. Click Library Catalog Search
Library Catalog Search
Searching Nursing Databases
Searching Nursing Databases Go to
Searching Nursing Databases Click on “Databases A-Z” on the left side of your screen. Click on Databases A-Z. Databases A-Z Searching Nursing Databases
Searching Nursing Databases Click on the drop down menu where it says “All Subjects” and select “Nursing”.
Searching Nursing Databases This is what your screen will look like. Notice the “Best Bets” section at the top highlighted in yellow.
Searching Nursing Databases Top 4 databases: CINAHL PubMed Cochrane Library (For systematic reviews) Joanna Briggs Institute EBP Resources on Ovid (For systematic reviews)
Searching CINAHL Complete
Searching Nursing Databases: CINAHL Click on “CINAHL Complete”. Click Here
Searching Nursing Databases: CINAHL Click on “Choose Databases”. Click Here
Searching Nursing Databases: CINAHL 1. Click to select the following databases: CINAHL Complete Health Source: Nursing /Academic Edition Medline 2. Click on “OK”.
1. Enter your search terms in the boxes. 2. Select an area to search. 3. Enter the Publication date range. 4. Click on “Peer Reviewed”. 5. Then click “Search”. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Searching Nursing Databases: CINAHL The number of results retrieved is located at top of the first article. You can refine the list further by applying filters on the left. Results Filters
Searching Cochrane Library
Searching Nursing Databases: Cochrane Library Click on “Cochrane Library”. Click Here
Searching Nursing Databases: Cochrane Library Click on “Advanced Search”. Click Here
Searching Nursing Databases: Cochrane Library 1. Log in or register. Once you are logged in, then click on “Search Limits”. 1. Login 2.
Searching Nursing Databases: Cochrane Library Click on “Cochrane Reviews” and “Review”. Click on “Other Reviews”. Enter your date range. Click “Apply”. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Searching Nursing Databases: Cochrane Library Select “Search All Text” from the drop-down menu. Select
Searching Nursing Databases: Cochrane Library 1. Enter your search terms. 2. Click “Go”. 1. 2.
Searching Nursing Databases: Cochrane Library View the studies by clicking on the article name.
Searching Nursing Databases: Cochrane Library You will notice a padlock icon located to the left of the article’s name. If the padlock is open, then you have access. If it is closed, you will have to get the resource another way.
Searching Nursing Databases: Cochrane Library You can save your individual searches by clicking on the “Save” button. This will help you keep track of your search strategies for later.
Searching Joanna Briggs Institute EBP Resources on Ovid
Searching Nursing Databases: JBI Click on “Joanna Briggs Institute EBP Resources on Ovid”. Click Here
Searching Nursing Databases: JBI Systematic Reviews Enter your search terms in the search bar. Select the publication year range. Select “Systematic Reviews” from the publication types. Click “Search”. 1. 2. 4. 3.
Searching Nursing Databases: JBI Click on “Display Results” to view articles. Click here
Searching For a Journal
Searching for a Journal Click on E- Journals & E-Books link. Searching for a Journal
Searching for a Journal
What about Google?
What about Google? Click on “Settings” (see above). Then click on “Advanced search” (see right).
Fill out the form and click “advanced search”. What about Google? Fill out the form and click “advanced search”.
Google Scholar This is what the Google Scholar home page looks like. Make sure you are signed in. Google Scholar
Linking to the UTA Library
Click the icon in the top left corner of your screen. Google Scholar
Click on “Settings”. Google Scholar
Click on “Library Links” located on the left side of your screen. Google Scholar
Search for “University of Texas at Arlington” and click on “save” Search for “University of Texas at Arlington” and click on “save”. Make sure you turn on “cookies” to retain your settings. Google Scholar
Google Scholar: Linking to the UTA Library Google Scholar is now linked to the UTA Library. You must enable browser cookies for the settings to be retained. You can select up to 5 libraries. If the full-text is available, you will see a library link on the right side of your screen (see next slide). Note: There are times when the “Find it @ UTA” link does not appear. That does not necessarily mean UTA does not have access. You will need to search for the journal in the UTA Library catalog then search for the article using the strategies we discussed earlier.
Google Scholar: Linking to the UTA Library You can now click on the “Find it @ UTA” link to navigate to the full- text content. Google Scholar: Linking to the UTA Library
Searching Google Scholar
Searching Google Scholar 1. Search Bar To access the advanced search option, click on the icon labeled #1. Once clicked, the screen will show all the options (see next slide).
Searching Google Scholar Click on advanced search.
Searching Google Scholar Enter your information in the form and click the search icon.
Interlibrary Loan
Interlibrary Loan
Click on the drop-down menu. Interlibrary Loan Click on the drop-down menu.
Click on “Interlibrary Loan”.
Your screen will look like this. Interlibrary Loan
Enter your UTA NetID and Password, then click “Log In”. Interlibrary Loan
If you are a new user, you will have to register by filling out this form. Interlibrary Loan
Click on the corresponding request type and fill in the required form. Interlibrary Loan
Additional Help
Additional Help
Additional Help-Contact Us You can click on “Contact Us” to submit a question. Additional Help-Contact Us
Additional Help-Contact Us Fill in the form and click on “Submit”. Additional Help-Contact Us Click
To browse frequently asked questions, click on “Ask Us/FAQ” Additional Help-FAQ
Your screen will look like this. Additional Help-FAQ
Additional Help-How To Click on “How To” to access various tutorials containe d on the library website. Click Additional Help-How To
Additional Help-How To Scroll down the page and select the tutorial you want to view. Additional Help-How To
You can contact the nursing librarians at Thanks! Any questions? You can contact the nursing librarians at