بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Anatomy of the ear Dr. Abdussalam M jahan ENT depart, Misurata university, faculty of medicine
Anatomy of the Ear Tympanic membrane Middle Ear External Ear: Auricle External auditory meatus Labyrinth , cochlea, 7th CN. Inner ear
External Ear
Tympanic Membrane Adult TM is about 9 mm in diameter. TM is obliquily placed, forms an acute angle with the inferior wall of EAC. Composed of three layers: the outer squamous cell epith layer. medial mucosal layer, and the middle fibrous layer : which gives TM its shape and consistency.
TM is divided into a superior pars flaccida pars tensa
V: Auriculo-temporal n. Nerve supply Facial n. C3 X vagus V: Auriculo-temporal n. Lesser occipital n. C2-3 IX glossopharyngeal Great auricular C3
Middle ear cleft ME cleft ET ME cavity Mastoid cavity Tympanum Epitymp. Mesotymp Hypotymp
Eustachian Tube ET reaching its adult size by the age of 7 years. Average length = 36 mm.
Inner ear Cochlea Vestibular labyrinth
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