water and air pollution from Lisa and Emma
content defintion of air pollution defintion of water pollution causes consequences defintion of air pollution causes question solutions quiz
Water pollution
definition pollution of waters people do it on purpose it is a criminal offence
Causes industry, agriculture and householdes are giulty industry substances are discharged into water bodies agriculture over-fertilization households many people don't pay attention to how to dispose dyes or drugs
Consequences plants and animal life is disturbed humans die more plastic than fishes economic problems less people go on holiday
Air Pollution
definition release of harmful pollutants consists of: smoke, soot, dust, gases, aerosols, vapors and odors damage the environment and the health
Causes Human activities Natural process Burn fuels (i.e. coal and petroleum products) => formation of smoke destroys vegetation and crop plants stops the growth of plants Natural gases and particles Mixing of dust particles in the air => contains lead particles (very toxic) various allergic reactions mental disorder and muscular paralysis abnormalities in pregnancy volcanic eruption => raising of dust Mixing of bad odour (smell) in the air deposit of organic waste => produces gas from the organic solid waste: sulfur dioxide (SO) nitrogen dioxide (NO) carbon (C) smoke from forest fires Intensive mass animal farming => more produce of methane decomposition of plant and animal remains pollen grains
effects more than 2 million people died each year According to the WHO, ambient air pollution contributes to 6.7 percent of all deaths worldwide Most risk for very young/ old people/ those with vulnerable immune systems Attacks by: carcinogenic (e.g. some volatile organic compounds) biologically active forces (e.g. some viruses) Radioactivity (e.g. radon)
main cause of global warming Greenhouse effect the atmosphere consists of: - argon It reflects sunbeams When too much CO2 is produced => more heat stays in the atmosphere, which is the main cause of global warming
What do you do to minimize air and water pollution? question
How to reduce Pollution Burn less gasoline Public transportation and car pooling choose cars that drive more miles per gallon / electric cars electricity be supplied by wind or solar or water energie Buying food locally (not from foreign countries!) Less flying with airplanes Cleaner engines for freightships Support the environmentalist
Sources https://www.oceancare.org/de/unsere-arbeit/meeresschutz/plastikverschmutzung/ https://www.wassertest-online.de/blog/wasserverschmutzung/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71IBbTy-_n4 https://www.spektrum.de/lexikon/biologie/wasserverschmutzung/70361 https://de.slideshare.net/ankuramba9/pollution-of-air-and-water-32624846 https://www.kullabs.com/classes/subjects/units/lessons/notes/note-detail/772 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7Q7y_xjR5E https://www.nrdc.org/stories/air-pollution-everything-you-need-know https://www.conserve-energy-future.com/various-pollution-facts.php https://www.livescience.com/22728-pollution-facts.html