Marine Environment and Water Industry


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Presentation transcript:

Marine Environment and Water Industry Progress in WG DIKE European Commission DG Environment Unit C.2 Marine Environment and Water Industry MSCG 9 February 2015, Brussels

Reporting on Article 11 monitoring programmes Access to MS reports in EIONET Central Data Repository: a) MSFDArt11_Programmes.xml – ONE file for 13 programmes b) MSFDArt11_Sub-programme_SeaBedHabitats – MANY files – one per subprgramme C) Paper reports (pdf) Access to MS reports in new viewing tool:

Reporting on PoMs and exceptions (MSFD Art. 13 and 14) Marine Directors adopted recommendation on 24-25 November 2014 Timelines to March 2016 – next slide Outstanding issues

Timeline Action Responsible Mid-Feb 2015 Prepare Art 13 -14 reporting sheet COM March -April 2015 Technical preparation of xml and web forms Preparation of guidelines (technical document), including QA rules Internal trial – to check ease of use Atkins/EEA Organising reporters: centralising process – request to appoint Member State reporting representatives Communicate process to Member States Organise helpdesk EEA   EEA, Atkins End of April 2015 Kick-off testing of web forms with Member States through WebEX May-June 2015 Member States testing of xml/web forms Member States July-September 2015 Finalise xml and web forms Resource webpage set up Issue final guidance Atkins COM and EEA follow up as needed October 2015 Present to WG DIKE 5-6 October 2015 Release for Member State use October 2015 onwards Helpdesk Atkins, EEA End of March 2016 Member States report on PoMs (text-based reports and xml). Deadline for reporting: latest by 31/3

Further work on PoMs reporting How to phase in reporting of measures from other policies than WFD? (fisheries, off-shore pollution, natura2000) – opportunities for streamlining Further guidance similar the guidance for Art 11 reporting, including Resolution of a measure for reporting Short guidance on text report fields How to apply the KTMs

Future perspectives Building towards: Based on: 2018 – updates of reports on Art. 8, 9 and 10 (Art. 17) 2019 – Commission’s first evaluation report to the European Parliament and to the Council (Art. 20(1)), in particular Art. 20(3b): the review of the status of the marine environment, undertaken in coordination with the EEA and the relevant regional marine and fisheries organisations and conventions Based on: Possible revised Decision and Annex III Regional reports, incl. RSC ‘roof reports’ Improved data and assessment methods (e.g. common indicators of RSCs) More focused reporting from MS (incl. via RSCs) to EU level, with specific ‘products’ to demonstrate current environmental status and progress towards GES Use of other reporting (e.g. fish stock assessments under CFP), where possible

Ecosystem, food-webs (D1.7, D4) 01/09/2019 Assessment of specific pressures and their impacts on ecosystem elements (Art. 8.1b) D5 Assessment of ecosystem elements (Art. 8.1a) Other pressures Birds (D1) Mammals (D1) Reptiles (D1) Fish (D1, D3.2/3) Seabed (D1, D6) Water column (D1) Ecosystem, food-webs (D1.7, D4) D7 D8 D2 D9 + Art. 8.1c Economic and social analysis, costs of degradation D6.1 D11 D3.1 D10 11

Example presentation of GES: commercial fish (from CFP) (from Nov. 2014 draft EEA marine baseline report)

(from Nov. 2014 draft EEA marine baseline report) Example presentation of GES: mammals (from HD) (from Nov. 2014 draft EEA marine baseline report)

HELCOM assessment areas

Towards 2018 2018 is not far away! Start developing now (especially Art. 8), so that MS and RSC reports can contribute to 2019 EEA report Three aspects need early attention: Contents/structure of Article 8 reports (links to RSC roof reports) How to link indicator assessments (of RSCs, MS) to EU level – what information can be used at EU level? How to show outcomes geographically in WISE-Marine (assessment areas) Start discussions with HELCOM (HOLAS II) and OSPAR (Intermediate Assessment) Initial ideas to WG DIKE (June 2015 - tbc) Developed proposal to WG DIKE (October 2015)