Facility Prioritization Arts, Media & Communication
Program Information 19 programs Over 600 FTES Programs are currently split between buildings Many GE’s, half with lab and lecture hours Six of the oldest building on campus: 100, 2300, 1600, 1000, 1100, and 1300 Over half our programs have specific space and equipment needs 100 TV/Radio/Film; 2300 Newspaper; 1600 classes, sink and computer labs; 1000 faculty and staff offices; 1100 Arts; 1300 Music/Theater/PAC
Campus Support Functions and Challenges The division manages the TV station and PAC such that no area on campus pays for the audio, lighting, event filming and recording, or audience services support they need, and none of the salaries for this labor hit the college bottom line; any extra funds from rentals after covering campus needs go to the college, not the division To do this, faculty sometimes move out of classroom spaces, move equipment that is traditionally not movable, and handle thefts, room and equipment damage all on a regular basis. They do this to support everyone The area has undergone a technical sea change that buildings can’t support. Almost all programs are now fully digital or a combination of digital and traditional, and jobs are ample in these fields Programs that are now under the same umbrella and also share equipment and personnel, and are currently split between building For instance, we updated outdated curriculum under the old Digital Media program, but we don’t have lab space for modern Film and Animation, Mobile and Web, and Graphic Design labs, or space for a basic lighting studio. These programs now combine with TV, Audio, Radio, and Game, but are all in different buildings
Safety and Security Challenges Current facilities have chronic safety and health issues, including the inability to provide supervision and security, inadequate ventilation and lighting, and insect infestations. Thefts of expensive equipment in multiple buildings are regular. Building 1000 has seismic issues Due to lack of supervision and personnel to cover multiple labs in five buildings, lab access is limited. Students don’t have access to expensive equipment and software at home. This is an equity issue that impacts students’ ability to succeed, in particular our most vulnerable
This is a classroom in 1300 that we have fully scheduled throughout the day that needs to be near a stage Dark, hard to get to, in the middle of cement, open all hours, easy to hide in, difficult to supervise History that includes personal safety tragedy Function will move to new building
Ants crawling on Administrative Assistant & in fridge M&O regularly sprays with heavy chemicals, we keep traps up, and use sprays. M&O tried using an outside professional company Regardless of weather, ants come out of the drinking fountain, get into all open liquids (coffee, water), food in the fridge and freezer, and on any open food Staff for the division and PAC are required to be there all day
The New Arts and Media Center High Productivity Revenue Generating State of the Art Large lecture space for other divisions Classrooms built for 48 with lab time split from lecture Since our many GE’s include labs, this will significantly increase funding for the college 400 seat auditorium for college use that the area will manage Space for ticketing and concessions Revenue from potential rentals to go to the college Film and Animation; Motion Graphics; Web and Mobile; Graphic Design, TV/studio, Radio and Journalism; Film; Arts; Videography; the Gallery; Theater and Music performances. Modern programs plus workforce development
Criteria B: Access &Building Scenarios LPC Children's Lab and Outdoor Space Access Scenarios: District builds M&O during Library or 2300, car garage built during Library or 2300 then 1) Arts & Media built at same time as 2300 using space where Butler used to be along with ECD OR 2) Arts & Media immediately after 2300 using 100 as swing, still using 1600 and Butler space, and still at same time as ECD (Note: Adjacencies are TBD. ECD could be done with 1500/1600, too)
Closing Thoughts AM&C has the largest number of old buildings We are potentially being asked to move out of space (100, 2300, 1600) before a new space is under construction. No other area is potentially being asked to do that. This means likely semi-permanent portables. We can’t build a building that meets the need on leftover funds This is our only building project. Business and CTE has fire tech agreement which we supported and they don’t use 1500 for their division officer; Health and Athletics has fields and a bleacher complex which we supported No other staff will be asked to work in division office under these conditions or to wait longer One building slotted for tear down for the medical complex was completely re-done and modernized under Measure B – it would have a 2nd round before any of our six buildings were addressed Our area is the furthest away from anyone else’s and would not impact others