Item 5 Wim Kloek, Eurostat Ideas for the future Item 5 Wim Kloek, Eurostat
User support and maintenance of SDC tools
Cell key method • Guidelines on the implementation of the method • Utility and risk measures • Open source tools for a table builder • Perturbative methods for magnitude tables • Communication strategy explaining that additivity is not guaranteed • Taking sampling weights into account
Banning suppression What does it require? In which domains would this be feasible?
Business statistics [See also discussion under agenda item 3.1] Protection of magnitude tables Protection of business microdata
New sources, new output types Sources: longitudinal data, trajectory data, network data, location data, grid data Output types: maps, innovative visualisation
New methods/approaches Differential privacy??
Tools for output checking Per output type
Improve cell suppression tools For linked tables (e.g. through a higher dimensional cover table) For dealing with partially published tables (with frozen cells not eligible for suppression) Faster algorithms for large sub-tables
Public use files Guidelines and tools to support the production and decision making on public use files.
Raising awareness Increasing the awareness of confidentiality issues by students and researchers
Trade statistics Confidentiality issues linked to new methods in trade statistics