INTENSIFIERS Teacher:Andreia Deluca High School
SO (tão) Usado antes de: Adjetivo ou advérbio Ex.: I didn´t like that book. The story was so boring. The car passed so quickly.
Let´s check : Adjective or Adverb? nice interesting slowly fast good well near dangerous huge tired short hot brilliant hard thin exciting easily dark big late horrible pretty happily cute
SUCH (tão) Usado junto com substantivo. such + a noun Ex.: I didn´t like that book. It was such a boring story. But, There are such nice people here.
SUCH AS ( tais como) Usado para exemplificar. Ex.: He was collecting small insects, such as butterflies, ladybugs, ants, etc.
Outros caso de SO e SUCH So long- a tempo; adeus So far- até aqui So much- tanto, tanta (incontável) So many- tantos, tantas(contável) Such a long time- tanto tempo
TOO (demais)
ENOUGH ( o suficiente)