Pam Muñoz Ryan Getting Ready for our Author Study!
The Journey Ahead Pam Munoz Ryan is one of my favorite authors, and I am looking forward to examining her works with you! Together, we will explore 3 of her books: Riding Freedom Becoming Naomi León The Dreamer We will closely examine Ryan’s unique characters, and the choices they make.
Personal Background Born and raised in Bakersfield, California Childhood included lots of reading and trips to the local library Currently lives in San Diego, CA Has 4 children Birthday: Dec. 25, 1951
Author Interviews! 5 Questions With Pam Munoz Ryan Reading Rockets Interview Photos:,
Let’s Explore Her Site!
Let’s Prepare Since we will be looking closely at Ryan’s characters, I want you to think about yourself. Put your name on your paper. Now, I am going to give you 3 minutes to write words or phrases that describe your personality.
Our First Book! Let’s jump in and begin our first book! I want you to meet Charlotte Darkey Parkhurst. This book is based on the life of the real Charlotte Parkhurst, but some details have been changed.
Contact Her! Standard Mail: Pam Muñoz Ryan C/O Scholastic, Inc. 557 Broadway New York, NY 10012-3999 E-Mail:
References Heppermann, Christine M. "Pam Munoz Ryan: Becoming Naomi Leon." The Horn Book Magazine 80.5 (2004): 598. Literature Resource Center. Web. 20 June 2011. "Pam Muñoz Ryan (1951-)." Something about the Author. Vol. 197. Detroit: Gale, 2009. 156-161. Something About The Author Online. Gale. Appalachian State University - Belk Library. 19 June 2011 o0xDQ&