Baofeng Ji,Bingbing Xing,Huahong Ma Chunguo Li,Hong Wen,Luxi Yang SAM 2018 Performance Analysis of Multi-hop Relaying Cooperation for Internet-of-things System Baofeng Ji,Bingbing Xing,Huahong Ma Chunguo Li,Hong Wen,Luxi Yang
Contents System Model Performance Analysis Simulation and Analysis Background and Motivation 一 System Model 二 Performance Analysis 三 Simulation and Analysis 四 五 Conclusions
1、Background and Motivation Internet-of-things (IoT) becomes very import since it can support the requirement from the fifth generation (5G) of the cellular transmission. IoT can serve massive access nodes for wireless service in the scenario of the ultradense networks (UDN) in 5G. China's "Flower of 5G"
1、Background and Motivation The Future of Mobile Communication Networks: Achieve a Full Smart World and Everything Connected. The Internet of Things has been applied to all aspects of life.
1、Background and Motivation It is proved that the relaying technology reduces the outage probability in the energy harvesting IoT-based wireless networks while decreases the feedback cost from the receive node to the transmit node. Thus, it is interesting to study the performance analysis over the relaying based IoT wireless transmissions. For long-distance communication in th Internet-of-things,we propose a multi-hop relay cooperative(MRCNs). Compared to traditional networks, MCRSs have a number of advantages,such as in the areas of deployment, connectivity and capacity.
1、Background and Motivation In multi-hop systems,a number of relay terminals assist the source terminal to communicate with the destination terminals.Therefore, for long-distance transmission, the transmission power of the transmitter is reduced. Not only improve the reliability of information transmission, but also effectively reduce the energy consumption. All of research cannot applied to the more general scenario where the wireless channel is distributed with the Nakagami,where the goal is to obtain the accurate expression without approximation for the target performance such as the outage probability and the bit error rate.
Fig. 1. Illustration of a multi-hop cooperative relay network 2.System Model The considered system consisting of one source node, one destination and − 1 relay nodes as shown in Fig.1. In the first time slot, the source node transmit the signal to the first relay node. Meanwhile, the destination also receives the signal from the source node by the wireless channel. Fig. 1. Illustration of a multi-hop cooperative relay network
2.System Model In the th time slot, the th relay node first amplifies the received caching signal and the re-transmits it to the th relay node. Finally, the th relay node amplifies the received caching signal and forwards it to the destination in the th time slot. At the destination, the receiver receives two branches of the signals, respectively, from the source node directly and from the relay nodes via multi-hop caching technology. It is assumed that the channel is slow fading or block fading in the multi-hop IoT networks.
2.System Model Transmission process In the first time slot,the received signal yD at the destination node D is then given by In the following time slots, the relay node amplifies the received caching signal and then forwards it to the next relay node. The received caching signal y1 at the 1th relay terminal can be described as Thus, the transmitting caching signal of 1th relay node is expressed as
2.System Model Transmission process Similarly, the receiving signal of 2th relay node is given by In this way, the signal received at the relay node is expressed as
3.Performance Analysis Signal to noise ratio (SNR) For the destination, there are two branches of the received signals that are directly from the source node and from the multi-hop caching node. With the signal arrived at the destination node from the multi-hop relaying caching link,the PDF of the corresponding SNR over the multi-hop caching link is given by
3.Performance Analysis Signal to noise ratio (SNR) The total SNR received at the destination node after the MRC receiver can be expressed as
3.Performance Analysis Outage probability We can obtain the outage probability expression of the received SNR at the destination node after the MRC receiver as
3.Performance Analysis Bit error rate(BER) Based on the expression of outage probability, the bit error rate of the whole system can be expressed as
4.Simulation and Analysis we present the various performance evaluation results derived by numerical and simulations with a binary phase shift keying modulation scheme. Fig. 2. The Outage Probability Fig. 3. The BER performance of the IoT network
5.Conclusions In this paper, the probability distribution function is derived in closed form expression without any approximation for the signal to noise ratio received at the destination node from the multi-hop caching link in internet-of-things system. Moreover,both the outage probability function and the bit error rate are derived in analytical expressions by exploiting the function and integration properties. The obtained results are suitable for any distribution of the wireless channel from the source directly to the destination node in IoT communications.
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