Trademark Usage VFW Store Sonja Cutright, Manager Emblem & Supply/VFW Store John Muckelbauer, General Counsel
1-Stop Shop For All Your VFW Needs
Logoed merchandise Military Patriotic
VFW Store and Licensed Vendors The ONLY authorized sources to purchase logoed merchandise Licensed vendors listed on
Quantity Custom Orders Special Discounts Custom/Personalized Certified Custom Consultant Call Kim Winston at 816-968-1181
Department Conventions Commander shirts, gifts Fundraisers Golf tournaments Community events CALIFORNIA JOHN SMITH JR. VICE CMDR 2018-2019 MISSOURI
TRADEMARK AUTHORIZATION Request to use the logo If the VFW Store is unable to assist with a custom product, you may submit the TRADEMARK AUTHORIZATION REQUEST FORM to request authorization to use a third-party vendor. The form is included in your folder and can be obtained at or by emailing
Reasons to use the VFW Store Money stays in the VFW and helps veterans, military service members and their families Logo integrity 10% of net income is rebated back to your Department Purchase with confidence – we stand by our products, offering quality, affordable products at competitive prices
Support all levels of the organization Buying through the VFW Store supports: Departments Auxiliary Programs that support the VFW mission
Contact info Website: VFWSTORE.ORG Customer service: 833.VFW.VETS (833.839.8387) Email: Custom: Kim Winston, 816.968.1181 Email:
Protecting Intellectual Property Can I copy and publish material that I find through online search engines? No. The fact that material is available and easily copied on a website does not lessen its copyright protection. The best practice is always to get consent. Am I protected against a copyright claim if I properly credit the artwork that is copied? No. The focus on copyright is on consent, not credit. You must obtain appropriate consent from the owner of the work before it is used, even if you credit the source. Crediting work is not a legal defense to a copyright infringement claim.
Protecting Intellectual Property Do I need permission to use the VFW logo? Yes. Pursuant U.S.C. Title 36, Sections 230101- 230107, the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW) has the exclusive right to the use of its name and the sole exclusive right to the use of the emblem and badges adopted by the corporation. The VFW’s marks are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trade Office. Also, as a Congressionally Chartered organization, it is a violation of federal law to manufacture, reproduce, distribute, sell, or print any badge, medal, emblem or other insignia or any colorable imitation thereof of any veterans’ organization chartered by act of Congress or its auxiliary without express written consent.
Protecting Intellectual Property How do I request permission? All requests to use the VFW name, logos or emblems should be forwarded to the Quartermaster General’s office. Requests can be emailed to: Or mailed to: Quartermaster General Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. 406 W 34th Street Kansas City, MO 64111 Authorization Request forms are available to initiate such a request.
Protecting Intellectual Property Are logos available for Posts and Departments to be used for community events or to create handouts about VFW initiatives? Yes. Use of the VFW name, logos or emblems by a VFW entity (e.g., Posts, District, or Department) may be used for a VFW activity. VFW activities include the creation of brochures for membership drives, websites, Post events and other outreach efforts. Post and Department logos can be obtained by visiting[insert your Post #] or[insert state postal abbrev.] District logos are available upon request submitted to
Elections and Trademarks Do’s Do wear your VFW cap at public events such as town halls, rallies, forums or debates. Don’ts Don’t endorse candidates on behalf of the VFW National Organization, Department, District or Post. Don’t wear your VFW Cap when actively campaigning for a candidate, such as soliciting donations or knocking on doors asking people to pledge their vote for a candidate.
QUESTIONS? John Muckelbauer, General Counsel Sonja Cutright, VFW Store Manager