Creating a Comprehensive System of Public Education Programs, Finance, And Accountability HB 1410 & SB 5444* B. Billinghurst * HB 1410 & SB 5444 were identical bills when they were introduced into the legislature. In this powerpoint, these two bills are collectively termed the Task Force Bills.
1. Dan Grimm, Chair 2. Superintendent Terry Bergeson 3. Representative Glenn Anderson 4. Representative Ross Hunter 5. Representative Skip Priest 6. Representative Pat Sullivan 7. Senator Rodney Tom 8. Representative Fred Jarrett 9. Cheryl Chow Seattle School Board President 10. Superintendent Bette Hyde Bremerton School District 11. Superintendent Jim Kowalkowski Davenport School District 12. Representative Kathy Haigh 13. Laurie Dolan Governor's Exec. Policy Office Director 14. Senator Lisa Brown 15. Senator Janea Holmquist 16. Senator Mike Hewitt League of Education Voters Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, Terry Bergeson Full Funding Coalition: SB 5607 WEA Washington Education Assoc. WSSDA Washington State School Directors Association, WASA Washington Association of School Administrators, Association of Washington School Principals, and Public School Employees of Washington Legislators Proposal HB 1410, SB 5444 Basic Education Finance Joint Task Force Members and Association to Proposals
Task Force Bills have Much in Common with PTA Goals Smaller class sizes (this means more teachers), More librarians, counselors, and nurses, More help for struggling students, ELL students, and students in special education; A 6-period class day instead of a 5-period day, All-day kindergarten, Early learning programs for at-risk children, 3-5 yrs. More comprehensive graduation requirements that are better aligned with both college and work-place settings.
Task Force Bills (HB 1410 & SB 5444) Still Include: Four basic learning goals from the 1993 Basic Education Act, and The Essential Academic Learning Requirements (EALRs)
Some Really Big Ideas In Task Force Bills 1.Redefine Basic Education to include early learning programs for students from low-income families and more rigorous high school course and graduation requirements; 2.Establish an Instructional Program of Basic Education with a wide array of staff and resources; 3.Establish easy-to-understand allocation models for funding a typical Elementary School, Middle School, and High School; 4.Establish a New Teacher Compensation System and a New Career Ladder; 5.Enhance Teacher Preparation & Development;
Some Really Big Ideas Task Force Bills 6.Eliminate inequities in existing Local Levies and the Teacher Pay System. 7.Develop a Common Fiscal and Student Data System, 8.Develop an Accountability System based on a number of different Outcome Measures such as test scores and graduation rates 9.Give school districts the Flexibility to Spend State Allocations; but holds them Accountable for Outcomes. 10.Phase in the Plan Over a 6-Year Period beginning in 2011.
Basic Education Programs Current General Apportionment Vocational Education Learning Assistance Program Special Education Some Transportation Education for children in institutions Proposed Additions Core 24 – Students required to complete 24 credits for high school graduation in certain subjects. Programs for English Language Learners Early Learning for at- risk children Funding Formulas.
Middle School and High School (Grades 7-12) Models 1,080 instructional hours (current = 1000) 6-period day (current = 5 ish ) 25 students per class (current = no standard) 22 students in high poverty schools 19 students in CTE exploration (grades 7-12) 16 students in CTE preparation (grades 9-12) 19 students in AP, IB, & lab science classes (grades 9-12)
Staffing for a Prototype High School of 600 Students
Current staffing ratio provides about 28 certificated staff.
Peer Review National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) Increase Base Pay to a Competitive Level
Additional Compensation Factors Master teachers receive stipend for becoming 1) a peer reviewer, or 2) a mentor to residency teachers. Teachers who achieve NBPTS on current schedule receive $5000 bonus NBPTS teachers in high-poverty schools continue receiving $5000 bonus School-wide bonuses for student academic achievement Regional wage adjustment by district
Any Opposition to HB 1410 and SB 5444? Yes. The Washington Education Association, the teachers union, is the biggest group opposed to these bills. Other education groups representing superintendents, school board members, principals and classified staff also oppose the bill. BUT, many members of these groups have taken a public position in favor of these bills and in opposition to their own leadership.
SB 5607 Attaining a World Class K-12 Educational System Fully fund current definition of Basic Ed –(Core24 is unproven) –(Dont leave to legislative appropriation committee to define amounts as HB 1410 does in some cases) Endorses more competitive pay for teachers, –but no change in structure of salary system –(Contrary to WSIPP*, asserts pay-for-performance has no merit) Accountability System is a two-way street; –wants districts to be accountable for student performance to the extent state has funded education. –Calls for SBE, OSPI, PESB to develop accounting system. *Source: Washington State Institute of Public Policy (WSIPP)
SB 5607 Attaining a World Class K-12 Educational System. Implementation more specific in 2011: –Calls for specific increases in current staffing ratios & increases in funding for all-day kindergarten and basic ed programs in 2011; –to buy time for Commission on Education Quality in Washington to do its work Commission on Education Quality is to develop –funding model; –revenue forecasting model, and –a model that links productivity to funding Creates a basic education account to be funded by excess state revenues –(HB 1410 & SB 5444 is a promise with no real funding attached)
Call, Write or Your Senator & Two Representatives! Come to Focus Day on Thursday, February 26!