Spiritual Care & Education at Ruby Memorial Hospital Chaplains Caring for All Rev. Kimberly J. Belcher, MDiv, BCC Lead Chaplain and Supportive Care Chaplain, Spiritual Care and Education Department
Our Chaplain Staff Director Lead Chaplain Staff Chaplains Children’s Hospital Chaplain Heart & Vascular Institute WVUM Cancer Institute Five Chaplain Residents per year Up to Six Chaplain Interns twice/year January-July August-December
Interfaith Chaplains Each chaplain is endorsed by his or her own faith tradition to do hospital chaplaincy, but serves as an Interfaith Chaplain. Chaplains may be able to provide support for any patient or family regardless of their faith tradition or no tradition. Chaplains seek to support patients/families in ways that are helpful to the individual or family
Joint Commission requirement A patient’s spirituality is to be “assessed, accommodated, and attended” to in ways that are important to the patient. Spiritual assessment is to include identification of spiritual practices important to the patient, which are to be considered in the plan of care for the patient.
Requirements for Board Certification Graduate-level theological degree 4 units of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) 2,000 work hours beyond CPE Endorsement by a faith tradition Application materials include 4 extensive essays and clinical contact verbatims Interview with Certification committee
Scope of Service Patients and Families Listening Prayer Emotional Support Stress Management Grief Support Support for Decision-making Help in Connecting to a Faith Community Religious Rituals (Baptism, Communion, etc.) Sacred Writings In addition, the Diocese of West Virginia provides a Priest and Eucharistic ministers to meet the sacramental needs of Roman Catholic patients.
As Chaplains, we are tasked with providing emotional and spiritual support to the PATIENTS and FAMILIES at WVU Medicine. The Patients and their families come and go, but the MEDICAL STAFF remain the same. This includes each of you, and the Chaplains at Ruby Memorial Hospital are here to provide care and support for you, also.
Scope of Service Medical Staff Listening Emotional Support Education Grief Work and Support Debriefing Compassion Fatigue Moral Distress Burnout Self-Care And…
Resiliency re·sil·ience /rəˈzilyəns/ noun: resiliency 1. the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness. "the often remarkable resilience of so many British institutions" 2. the ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape; elasticity. "nylon is excellent in wearability and resilience" Focusing on resiliency this year Helping to handle the needs and challenges of life as a resident
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FDyiUEn8Vw Help connecting Expressing yourself Helping you learn to be present, to be Muscle Memory
As Chaplains, we are here for YOU As Chaplains, we are here for YOU! We look forward to connecting with you, encouraging you, and offering space for you as you process the craziness of Medical Residency. There is a Chaplain available 24/7 not only for the Patients and their families, but for YOU. Spiritual Care & Education Department 4th Floor of Ruby Memorial Hospital 304-598-4185