Correct Methods in Tacking Horses So You Wanna Ride? Correct Methods in Tacking Horses From Written by Liz Rogers Ag Student Texas A&M GA Ag Ed Curriculum Office To accompany the Georgia Agriculture Education Curriculum Lesson 01432-6 July 2001
Today’s Objectives: Identify the parts of the english and western saddle Identify the parts of the english and western bridle Discuss the steps to proper tacking techniques Review SAFETY Let’s go tack up!
Saddles: Western
Saddles: English
Bridles: Western
Bridles: English
How to Tack Up: Saddling Approach from the near side Place the saddle pad over the withers and slide back Slide the saddle down over the pad BE GENTLE! Be sure stirrups are up Drop the girth and tighten initially Check off side to ensure proper fit
How To Tack Up: Bridling Approach from the near side Place reins over the horse’s head Hold head band in right hand and hold bit with left hand Place thumb in corner of horse’s mouth Gently slide bit over horse’s tongue Adjust bit, nose band and throatlatch if necessary
Heads Up! Safety First! Approach a horse in a non-threatening manner Know horse’s blind spots and remain in line of vision Move calmly and firmly Reassure horse of your presence – use pats and your voice
Horse’s Field of Vision: Blinds Spots Include: Directly in front Directly in back Directly below, on ground
Before we go: Keep SAFETY first! Horses are living creatures – they are to be treated with respect and care Listen to instructions
Instructions: Split into 2 groups First saddle, then bridle Pay attention to instructions Ask questions! Use the steps discussed in class Return to class for review
Review: Parts of the saddle and bridle Steps to tacking up Safety reminders Whatcha think?