Starter 1. What do you think happened in these 2 pictures and how does it impact the ecosystems? A B
Practice: Catastrophic events are sudden, usually naturally occurring situations where change and destruction occur. Some catastrophic events can be man-made such as fires caused by humans. All catastrophic events can be grouped into three categories based on how they are caused.
3 Categories of Catastrophic Events Weather events—flood, hurricanes, tornadoes, drought, and wildfires (caused by lightning) Geological events—volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis Human error—wildfires are often caused by careless campers, discarded cigarettes, and arsonists
All catastrophic events are the Earth’s way of maintaining equilibrium during change. Since the Earth’s dynamics are uncontrollable, accurate predictions are not possible. Studying and researching catastrophic events has an impact on society and the environment.
CATASTROPHIC EVENT Sudden, natural (or man made) situations where change and destruction occur. All catastrophic events are Earth’s way of maintaining equilibrium during change!
DROUGHT An unusually long period of dry weather that lasts long enough to cause water supply shortages.
EARTHQUAKE The vibration of the Earth’s surface that occurs after a release of energy in the crust.
FLOOD An overflowing of water onto land that is normally dry.
HURRICANE A tropical storm that picks up constant speed to 74 mph or more.
TORNADO A violently rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground.
TSUNAMIS produced by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, meteorite Ocean waves produced by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, meteorite impact, or underwater landslides.
VOLCANO A vent in the Earth which allows molten rock (magma) to escape to the surface.
Fierce fires that spread rapidly in areas of wilderness. WILDFIRES Fierce fires that spread rapidly in areas of wilderness.
EQUILIBRIUM A state or situation in which opposing forces balance each other out and stability is attained.
A disaster caused by natural forces rather than by human action. NATURAL DISASTER A disaster caused by natural forces rather than by human action.
Application Brain Pop – Natural Disaster & quiz
Connection/Exit Matching Foldable