EIS Renfrewshire
Logistics: Saturday 27th Oct; March and Rally Kelvingrove Park to George Square Assembling at 11am for 11.30am. Buses leaving from Paisley at 10.30am from Bridge Street (across from the Council Offices) For EIS members, their friends and their families. Please reserve your free seat here on evenbrite. Other buses leaving from Bishopbriggs, Alloa, Inverclyde etc.
Context: This is a part of a restorative pay claim We have seen our pay decrease by 24% over the last decade. Scotland is one of only 5 countries where teachers’ pay has fallen, relative to graduate earnings. This has impacted upon teacher recruitment crisis We have been offered 3%. Inflation is currently at 2.7%
10% works out at an extra £10 day Average salaries in OECD : £42k in primary schools £45k in secondary. Our top teaching scale is £36,500. We are £2000 below the main grade scale in England Yet our teaching hours (855/year) are one of the highest in the OECD. Only 7 other countries exceed 800 hours. If we win this fight we are still short of the average teaching salary. 10% works out at an extra £10 day
COSLA’s response to the breakdown in the pay negotiations Police increase 6.5% NHS Staff 9% MPs 11% (2015) Senior Judges 11% (2017)
COSLA’s response to the breakdown in the pay negotiations Cynically playing teachers off against non-teaching staff We are the most unionised sector; we can only fight our own fight
If we reject the 3% offer: Balloted for strike action TU Act: a non vote will count as NO! A 10% increase in pay is equivalent to 23 days of strike action Last strike tabled 32 days of strike action and was successful after 4.
Contemplate losing: The EIS has never lost a strike Our SNCT negotiating is separate from other Public Sector Pay bodies; unlike other public workers our pay settlement cannot be imposed! However, the Trade Union Act’s thresholds mean it’s vitally important that we get a high turnout and engage members. If we lose we might see a further deterioration of our conditions of service and undermining of our collective lobbying power. We may be on the back foot for the next decade It’s vital that we protect our education system and the pay and conditions of teachers
Glasgow EIS have organised a banner making session Wednesday 24th Oct in the STUC building from 6pm to 9pm. Please let them know if you want to attend this. They will provide materials and snacks on the evening. See you on Sat 27th Oct