eStudying for Electronic Education by Ho ʻ omano Pakele
ETEC and e-documents I dont like reading GoodNotes! Free Version eStudying System Background
The purpose of this instructional design project was to develop and evaluate a web-based module that instructs iPad users enrolled in graduate study on how to set up and utilize a studying system using a combination of apps. Problem Statement
GoodNotes electronic note-taking
WEB to PDF+ & To PDF PDF conversion
Zotero reference management
PaperShip references on-the-go
Google Drive cloud storage
If you are a student, approximately how many e-documents do you come across per course? If you are not a student, approximately how many in your work? a. 1-5 b c d. 16+ e. N/A Question
Electronic versus traditional print textbooks: A comparison study on the influence of university students learning. Rockinson-Szapkiw, Courduff, Carter & Bennett. (2013) Literature Review
No difference in cognitive learning and grades between the two groups e-textbook group had significantly higher affective learning and psychomotor learning Increased internalization of positive attitudes toward content and subject matter
Framework Gagnes five Domains of Learning Intellectual Skills Verbal Information Psychomotor Skills Cognitive Strategies Attitudes
Tools Website Creation: Wix Surveys: SurveyMonkey Design Elements: Photoshop Tutorial Slides: Preview Video Resources: YouTube
Participants Graduate students in the College of Education at UH Mānoa Of 30 contacted, 7 responded, 6 completed Not gender, age, or ethnic background specific
Data Collection Consent form/Pre-survey Instructional Module (approx. 2 hours) App Implementation (approx. 2 weeks) Post-survey
Which of these best describes your current, personal studying/note-taking practices? a. Pen & Paper b. Using a Word-Processor c. Print-outs d. Highlighting/Underlining Passages e. Writing Comments on Margins Question
Findings Figure 1. Participant reports of note-taking practices prior to using the eStudying instructional module.
Findings Figure 2. Participant responses for features of the GoodNotes app they found to be most useful while using the eStudying system.
Findings Figure 3. Participant reports on number of e-documents encountered in coursework in general (blue) and during the course of the study specifically (orange)
Findings Suggested improvements on the instructional module: Add an estimated time to complete Provide a specific order for the tutorials More interactivity Create a pre-test for each application
Well received by participants Similar to traditional strategy but converted into electronic format –Print-outs to PDFs –Pens and Highlighters to a single stylus (or finger) Discussion
Implications Aside from the specific tasks that all six applications perform, what other note- taking needs are not being met? Is there more beyond an electronic conversion of traditional practices?
Future Plans To what degree was the eStudying System effective? What are the potential improvements that could be made to the eStudying system? What kind of results would a larger testing pool yield?
Conclusion As instruction is changing and evolving towards an electronic age, studying practices must do so as well in order to maintain a balance between teaching and learning.
Mahalo!! Any Questions?