Improving the quality of writing at KS4 in Modern Foreign Languages
Why? Inconsistent results in MFL in writing Hard to get pupils engaged in writing activities Pupils struggle to get words down on paper
‘For effective learning, teachers have a duty to expose the mysteries of the school writing and learning processes, to introduce them, explicitly, to these ‘academic’ concepts and to show them how to use and manipulate the variety of linguistic conventions.’ Shirley Franklin (secondary English PCGE lecturer)
Adjectives Verbs Opinions Connectives Adverbs Description Originality Explain the definitions/functions of each grammatical terms and refer to them regularly Methods What? Adjectives Verbs Opinions Connectives Adverbs Description Originality Starting each module with a text Pupils to find the AVOCADO in the texts (grammatical analysis) Pupils to use this structure in each piece of writing they produce
Results Pupils write better quality and extended sentences ‘ I am confident to write a text as long as we start a module with a text’ Pupil B Pupils write better quality and extended sentences Pupils feel more confident with writing activities Pupils know how to form tenses accurately, how to use adjectives and connectives Written tasks Dec’14 April ‘15 Pupil A G C+ Pupil B E C Pupil C E C Pupils know how to analyse a text grammatically and apply it to their own learning
What next? It is also supporting the whole school approach to develop literacy across the curriculum