2015 Tripartite Sectoral Meeting Road Transport Geneva – 30 November 2015 – UNECE – ITC – WP. 24
ILO Specialized agency of the United Nations overseeing the world of work Tripartite structure: equal voice to workers, employers and governments Main objectives: promote rights at work, encourage decent employment opportunities, enhance social protection and strengthen dialogue
Agenda items Tripartite Sectoral Meeting 12-16 October 2015 on priority safety and health issues in the road transport sector – passenger and freight Also included the discussion on the promotion of the IMO/ILO/UNECE CTU Code
Meeting outcomes The Meeting’s outcomes include the Note on the Proceedings, the Conclusions, two Resolutions http://www.ilo.org/sector/activities/sectoral-meetings/WCMS_337096/lang--en/index.htm All Meeting outcomes will be submitted for the consideration of the 326th Session of the ILO’s GB in March 2016.
CTU Code: recommendations Governments should “encourage and promote the adoption of the provisions of the CTU Code into national legislation in order to support a safer more healthy and productive transport industry across the supply chain” The Office should “collaborate with other UN agencies, international and regional governmental and nongovernmental organizations for the development of tools to promote and disseminate information” on the CTU Code.
Other highlights The industry’s resilience in the future lies not only in its environmental efficiency, smart planning and infrastructural availability, but also on its ability to address decent work challenges for professional transport workers 2016 International Labour Conference: discussion on global supply chains
Questions? Thank you! Visit our new and improved website! www.ilo.org Alejandra Cruz-Ross Transport Specialist, SECTOR International Labour Office +41.22.799.7886 cruzross@ilo.org Visit our new and improved website! www.ilo.org I would like to thank everyone for their time.