DSCPullServerAdmin An Admin module for DSC PullServer Database management This is the slide shown before the presentation starts. When you are ready to go, tell the video operator to start the recording, and click to the next slide. Ben Gelens
Video operator, did you start the recording? 5 [REQUIRED SLIDE] These slides are mandatory and help us with video post-processing. Please keep them as they are. Video operator, did you start the recording? bgelens
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DSCPullServerAdmin An Admin module for DSC PullServer Database management This is your opening. Now the stage is yours! Ben Gelens
This Session Learn how to make use of DSCPullServerAdmin for Pull Server Management Understand why you would want to make use of DSCPullServerAdmin to migrate an existing Pull Server over to a SQL based Pull Server Be able to migrate data to another Pull Server supported database type Please invest some time to reconsider your session: what is it that audience can get out of it? Try and be as precise as you can. If you are showing solutions, then focus on “how to”. If you present about a general technology, you’ll want to stick to “Be able to” or “Understand why/how”. bgelens
Agenda What is it? Why did I start doing this? How does it support all these DB types? Demo‘s! Psconf.eu is about demos and code. Try and minimize use of text slides bgelens
What is it? Module capable of handling interactions with all DSC PullServer Database types (mdb, edb & sql) xPlat PowerShell module Published on Gallery Project on GitHub https://github.com/bgelens/DSCPullServerAdmin bgelens
Why did I start doing this? Started as C# project in June 2017 targeting edb interaction for maintenance tasks Getting data out of edb, mainly reports as REST API is not admin friendly Removing old reporting data (keeping edb small) Changing configurationNames like in Azure Automation DSC Learning to code cmdlets in C# bgelens
Why did I start doing this? Windows Server 1803 / 2019 brought SQL support to DSC PullServer Moved to Script module started from June 2018 Easier for external contributors I needed a way to migrate data from edb to SQL based PullServer (existing environment -> new scalable / highly available architecture) bgelens
How does it support all these DB types? MDB: Only works on Windows PowerShell Requires type: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection Need to install Microsoft Access Database Engine 2016 x64 https://www.microsoft.com/en- us/download/details.aspx?id=54920 This will add Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.16.0 as a source provider bgelens
How does it support all these DB types? Works on Windows PowerShell and PowerShell 6+ on Windows Requires type: Microsoft.Isam.Esent.Interop.Api (Shipped as part of Windows, Windows only) SQL: Works on Windows PowerShell and PowerShell 6+ on any platform Requires type: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
Summary DSCPullServerAdmin makes it easy to manage Pull Server managed nodes by interacting with the Pull Server Database It supports: MDB (Windows PowerShell + Access DB Engine) EDB (Windows PowerShell and PowerShell Core on Windows) SQL (Windows PowerShell and PowerShell Core xPlat) SQL Pull Server is the best experience Sum up your key messages bgelens
https://github.com/bgelens/PSConfEU2019S01 [REQUIRED SLIDE] Make sure you provide all materials that audience needs to reproduce your demos. Either upload them as a PowerShell module to www.powershellgallery.com (preferred for reusable functions) Or, upload them to our github repository (ask the girls at the info desk to provide you with access) Or, upload them to your own github repository Please make sure all materials are available by the time your presentation starts, or at minimum upload them right after your presentation https://github.com/bgelens/PSConfEU2019S01 bgelens
bgelens [REQUIRED SLIDE] If you sticked to your timing, you now have 15 min left for Q&A. If you missed your timing, you will have to leave the room when your slot is over. In this case, invite your audience to the coffee break and offer to cover questions there. IN ANY CASE please point your audience to the conference app and the session voting. By the time the conference opens, the eventraft app *should* have the option to vote on sessions. Please MAKE SURE you leave your room when your slot is over. The next speaker would like to set him/herself up and get everything up and running. bgelens
about_Speaker Name : Ben Gelens Job : Consultant MVP : CDM (PowerShell) Company : Condicio Email : ben@bgelens.nl Twitter : @bgelens GitHub : bgelens Blog : bgelens.nl Do not EVER discuss this slide during your presentation. Please do not take presentation time to talk about yourself more than just a few introductory sentences. Instead, invite interested audience to the coffee break, and then talk about yourself, your job, your services, etc. Use this slide to sum up your details. It will be part of the conference materials and recorded videos. bgelens