Treatment with CN-105 significantly decreased microgliosis associated with brain injury after SAH. Images of immunostained brain slices with F4/80 for microgliosis, Vehicle (A and C) and CN-105-treated (B and D), mice sacrificed 5 days post-SAH. Treatment with CN-105 significantly decreased microgliosis associated with brain injury after SAH. Images of immunostained brain slices with F4/80 for microgliosis, Vehicle (A and C) and CN-105-treated (B and D), mice sacrificed 5 days post-SAH. Quantification by formal stereology for F4/80 positive cells (E) in the whole hippocampus in vehicle or CN-105-treated mice at 5 days after SAH (Vehicle mice 36 079±10 460; CN-105 8383±1281; p=0.036). SAH, subarachnoid haemorrhage. Ji Liu et al. Stroke Vasc Neurol 2018;3:222-230 © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2018. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.