2009 WESTEST 2 ONLINE WRITING The following italicized script is to be used by an Examiner to prepare students for the 2009 WESTEST 2 Online Writing. (Examiner may read or paraphrase script to accommodate younger students): EXAMINER: Today (Tomorrow, This week, etc.) you will be taking the 2009 West Virginia WESTEST 2 Online Writing. A topic will be assigned to you when you log onto the testing Web site. Your assigned topic will require one of the following types of writing: (grade 3: descriptive or narrative) (grades 4 – 11: descriptive, narrative, informative or persuasive). This topic will be one that you can write about without having to remember facts or other information. All of the topics have been developed so that you can use your own ideas, words or imagination in your composition. Once you have been given your assigned topic, you have the option to use the provided scratch paper for prewriting or for creating a rough draft. Type your final copy in the space provided. After reviewing or revising, submit your final copy. Please do your best work. This is a secure test. Your paper will be scored in the criteria areas of Organization, Development, Sentence Structure, Word Choice/Grammar Usage and Mechanics. A paper that is blank, repetitious, insufficiently developed, incoherent, or reflects a copying of the passage/prompt will not be scored. This is an untimed assessment, and you will be given the time you need to compose and submit your composition. However, if you stop working for more than 10 minutes, you will be asked to submit your composition. You are expected to be writing or typing at all times. An examiner may help you only if your computer malfunctions. Jackson County Schools STUDENT EXPERIENCE
Acceptable Use Agreement Students who do not have an “Acceptable use of the Internet” form on file must complete the assessment on paper and have it entered by a scribe. The Scribe must have been trained and have signed an “Examiner/Scribe Agreement”
This icon, WESTEST 2 Online Writing, should have been placed on the desktop of the student computers. It is recommended that a Principal, Building Level Coordinator, Technology Integration Specialists or other trained Examiner prepare the computers to the point where the students log in with their WVEIS number. If you have been designated to do so by your Principal/Building Level Coordinator, double click on the icon and proceed.
The first screen will ask the following question: Do you want to allow this webpage to access your Clipboard? Click “Allow access” to allow application access to clear clipboard.
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE STUDENTS TO BE GIVEN THE “PASSWORD OF THE DAY.” All computers in the testing site should be on this screen with the Password already entered when students enter the testing site. Students are to enter their WVEIS number for the Username. If students do not have their WVEIS numbers memorized, Examiners should have this information listed on class rosters with the students’ names. (If you have been given access to the “Password of the Day” and you are the Examiner who has been designated to do so, enter the “Password of the Day.” ) UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE STUDENTS TO BE GIVEN THE “PASSWORD OF THE DAY.” All computers in the testing site should be on this screen with the Password already entered when students enter the testing site. Students are to enter their WVEIS number for the Username. If students do not have their WVEIS numbers memorized, Examiners should have this information listed on class rosters with the students’ names. 5
At this point it is very important that the Examiner circulate around the room, making sure that the name at the top of the screen is indeed the name of the student sitting at that computer. Examiner: This screen provides a passage and accompanying prompt. Take your time and read the passage and prompt carefully. This screen will be the main menu for writing your composition. It is recommended that you use the scratch paper you have been given for prewriting. You may wish to brainstorm, create an outline or apply other prewriting skills that you have found to be successful in past writing assignments. You may also handwrite a rough draft of your composition prior to typing the final copy. Remember to address the prompt you have been assigned. For the most part, how well you express yourself will determine the score you receive. An insufficient amount of writing will not be scored. From this screen you also have the option of opening the writing checklist by clicking on the CHECKLIST tab.
Examiner: Reviewing the Checklist will be helpful after completing the final draft and prior to submitting. Review the Organization, Development, Sentence Structure, Word Choice/Grammar Usage and Mechanics of your composition.
Examiner: You may also access the West Virginia Writing Rubric from the main screen by clicking on the RUBRIC tab. This is the WV Writing Rubric which will be used in the scoring of your composition. You have been given a hard copy of this rubric as well. It is the same information in a slightly different format.
EXAMINER: Return to the main screen by clicking ENTER ESSAY. Once you have completed entering your final draft and prior to submitting, do the following: Read your final draft to see if it is well organized and clear. Make any changes that you think will improve your writing. Make sure that you have used words correctly and that all of your sentences are complete. Carefully check your capitalization, punctuation and spelling. You will not have access to a dictionary, thesaurus or word processing options such as Spell Check or Grammar Check. Make sure you have indicated the beginning of new paragraphs; however, do not use the Tab Key for paragraph indentions. Instead, skip a line between each paragraph. The following conditions will result in a nonscorable composition: Blank or refusal to take the test Insufficient amount of writing Passage/prompt copied Incoherent Remember write only about the assigned topic. Make corrections and improvements. When finished, go back and check your work before submitting your composition. After reviewing your final draft, you are ready to submit; click SUBMIT ESSAY.
Once you click Submit Essay, you will be directed to a screen entitled, Submit Essay, with the following statement: If you have checked your essay and are ready to submit your work, click “Submit.” Otherwise, click “Cancel” and continue writing. This is the last opportunity to make changes to your composition. If you want to make changes, click the CANCEL button. If no changes are necessary, click the SUBMIT button.
Examiner: A “Submitting” message will display on your screen.
Examiner: A final message of “Your response has been submitted” will be displayed. Click OK. You are now finished with the WESTEST 2 Online Writing. Remember: All written notes/rough drafts must be given to the Examiner. Also, remember that the WESTEST 2 Online Writing Passages and Prompts are secure testing materials and must not be shared by either students or teachers. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the last screen for students. At this time, depending on the scheduling arrangements made by the Principal/Building Level Coordinator, students may return to class or read silently on materials provided by the Examiner.
Students do not have to click on this screen, but if they ask, always click “Allow access” to allow application access to clear clipboard.
An exit code, or Script Prompt, will have been provided by the WVDE to the County Test Coordinator and, in turn, to the Principal/Building Level Coordinator. Enter the Code and click OK.
At this point the Examiner may select Close Window At this point the Examiner may select Close Window. This will close the testing site and screen will return to the Desktop. The Examiner may select Log In Again and prepare the site for the next student to test.
Support/Contact Information Jackson County Schools Janet Murray, Director of Federal Programs jmurray@access.k12.wv.us 304-372—7310 David Daniel, Technology Coach/Coordinator ddaniel@access.k12.wv.us West Virginia Department of Education Office of Assessment and Accountability Vaughn Rhudy, Coordinator vrhudy@access.k12.wv.us Jason Perdue, Coordinator jperdue@access.k12.wv.us 304-558-2546
CTB/McGraw-Hill Product Support Staff 866-282-2250 Support/Contact Information CTB/McGraw-Hill Product Support Staff 866-282-2250
KEY WEB ADDRESSES http://wvde.state.wv.us/ West Virginia Department of Education http://osa.k12.wv.us Office of Assessment and Accountability http://www.ctb.com CTB/McGraw-Hill