February 11th – February 14th Ms. Wehmuller’s 2nd Grade February 11th – February 14th Classroom Novel: “Magic Tree House: A Big Day for Baseball” Students are highly encouraged to bring a water bottle and/or CLEAR Gatorade! Homework folders will be sent home on Thursday. Please complete work and return on Monday. Wednesday Folders will be sent out Wednesday. Please sign and return on Thursday. Peek at the week Continued Reading: “I am Rosa Parks” Vocabulary matching, comprehension questions, timeline flipbook and craft, sequencing, character traits, and facts. Spelling/Phonics and Language/Writing: RGR: Vowel Phonemes - /oo/, /oi/, /ou/, /aw/ Prefixes: un-, re-, dis-, pre- Word to definition matching/ABC Order I can write 100 words “Would you stay seated?” Writing Prompt “When I am 100” Writing Prompt and Craft Math: Review: Fractions Introducing Money: Value of coins: quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies What makes a dollar? Money sort Contact Info: Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns! Email: owehmuller@jennings.k12.ok.us School Phone: (918) 757-2536 Reminders: Reading and Spelling tests are every Thursday. Please make sure your child is reading 20 minutes a day.