TO PRONOUNCE: “th” θ Lightly touch the lower edge of the upper front teeth using the tip of the tongue. Expel and unvocalized breath, through the narrow opening between the teeth and tongue.
WORD DRILL: Anything Athlete Author Booth Cathedral Death Earth Ether Forth Growth
Mathematics Month Moth Myth Mythical Oath Pathetic Tenth Thank Theft
Theme Thigh Thin Thirst Thought Thousand Thread Three Worth
PHRASE DRILL: Anything goes Novelty items booth At the cathedral Go forth Smooth growth Both moth Oath at the boat The tenth street Thin crust Three thousand
SENTENCE DRILL Who is your favorite athlete? The fifth largest planet is earth. Is mathematics your favorite? On the third month, puppies are very active already. The story of cupid is a myth. Thank you very much. Think of a theme for this project. Do you like the thigh part of fried chicken? I thought of you this morning. A good output is worth the headache it caused.
I thought a thought But the thought I thought wasn’t the thought I thought I thought If the thought I thought I thought Had been the thought I thought
I wouldn’t have thought so much! A three-toed loved a two-toed she toad. Unfortunately, the two-toad she-toad did not love The three-toed tree-toad. The three-toad tree toad tried three time to win The love of the two-toad she-toad But the two-toed she-toed told The three-toad tree told That she loved only a fat, frickle frog.
TO PRODUCE: “th ð Lightly touch the lower edge of the upper front teeth using the tip of the tongue. Expel a vocalized (voiced) breath, through the narrow opening between the teeth and tongue.
Another Bother Brother Breathe Father Farther Further Lather Leather Loathing
Mother Neither Northern Other Scythe Seethe Soothe Southern Than That
The Them Therein Therefore Though Thus Thy Withers Wreathe Writhe
PHRASE DRILL another brother Bother his father Farther down the road Explain further My mother’s leather bag Northern hemisphere The three of them This and these That and those Their and there
My brother is the father of these kids. I am on diet so do not bother to prepare snacks. Lather with shampoo and rinse it well. Neither of them watched the late night show. Use the scythe to cut the weeds. Soothe the anxious child. This is better than that. These are my favorite though they are old. The weather withers the wreath. It is normal to commit mistake so there is no need to writhe with shame.
Contrastive pronunciation [th-v] Clothe-clove Leather-clever Lithe-live Loathes-loaves Neither-never
[th-v] Wreathe-reeve Slither-silver That-vat They’ll-veil Thine-vine
[th-d] Other-udder The-den Throw-dough
TO PRODUCE: /Z/ raise the tip of the tongue toward the upper gum ridge TO PRODUCE: /Z/ raise the tip of the tongue toward the upper gum ridge. The tongue must not touch the hard palate. Let the tongue form a narrow opening. Press the sides of the tongue against the upper teeth. A vocalized breath is forced through. A slight opening of teeth. It produces a buzzing sound.
Initial Zebra Zero Zest Zipped Zinc Zipper Zodiac Zone Zoologist Zygote
Medial Blizzard Dazzle Drizzle Frenzy Gizzard Grizzly Muzzle Piazza Verbalization Wizard
Final Amaze Blaze Buzz Prize Seize Squeeze Stigmatize Tyrannize Vandalize Visualize
The letter “s” in the words below are pronounced as consonant [z]. Advice Autism Cease Deceased Disease Merchandise Mesmerize Otherwise Paraphrase
Parallelism Partisan Pause Peruse Pleasant Praise raising Those Represent Reserve Whose Vase
PHRASE DRILL Zebra in the zoo Zest over the zigzag From drizzle to blizzard Frenzy over pizza Buzz of the bees Deceased due to disease Mesmerized by the merchandise Prize of paradise Pause for a while Praise the advice
SENTENCE DRILL Land areas are classified according to residential; commercial or agricultural zones. Zoology is a branch of biology The development of the zygote may now be captured by modern medical technology. A piazza is a covered walk that is common in Italy. What is your prize for winning the declamation contest? Visualize a happy future. Autism is often accompanied by language difficulties Have a pleasant day! Dix these tousle. Whose vase is this?
Buzz-bus Raise-race Zip-sip Zoo-sue
This sound I represented by words with these spelling: g, ge, j, s, si, ssi, z and zi. Azure Beige Bijou Bourgeois Brazier Camouflage Casual Collision Confusion Corsage
Déjà vu Espionage Estrange Garage Glazier Leisure Measure Mirage Negligee Persuasion
Pleasure Prestige Regime Rouge Seizure Corsage Treasure Usual Vision Visualize
PHRASE DRILL The Marcos regime Colorful corsage The mirage Cause of confusion Casual conversation My pleasure Leisure time Perfect transition Treasure in the shore Simple persuasion
SENTENCE DRILL It is soothing to stare at the azure sky. A beige bag will match the color of your shoes. He gave a bijou diamond ring. The term bourgeois refers to the middle class. Use dark colored shirt as camouflage. Espionage is a crime against national security. Can another car fit into the garage? Measure the ingredients accurately. Treasure your family’s memoir. Visualize the images in the poem.