Linear Equations – Variable on One Side – 1-Step – Non-Calculator – Noughts & Crosses In this game two teams of students try to get three Os or Xs in a row. Students can complete as many questions as possible and then be given the opportunity to answer for their team. Otherwise, questions can be chosen in turns, or directed by the teacher. An answer sheet for the teacher is included. Click/Touch ‘X’ or ‘O’ according to which team gets the answer correct.
One Step Equations
2= 𝑎 4 8=𝑏+5 3𝑐=15 4= 𝑓 3 24=4𝑑 𝑒−5=5 ℎ 2 =10 12=𝑔−4 𝑖+7=11 Solve:
Teacher’s Answer Sheet Questions? Comments? Suggestions? …or have you found a mistake!? Any feedback would be appreciated . Please feel free to email: