Contractor Management Overview for Managers
Overview Why have a Contractor Management process? The main elements of the process A summary of contractor types to know the differences and how to handle accordingly The main information specific to onboarding and managing contractors Your responsibilities as a manager Control and consistency on how the Society identifies, onboards and manages all contractors.
Why have a Contractor Process? Understanding and control of MCC contractor resource. Accurate data and reporting of contractor resource. A standard onboarding process that captures the right information and ensures the correct due diligence checks are completed. Standard management of engaged contractors, through regular status reviews and extension and termination processes. Automated access control to Society IT systems. Mitigated risks regarding potential tax and employment law exposures.
The implications of getting this wrong are serious … What happens if we get it wrong? The implications of getting this wrong are serious … Legal implications Unlimited HMRC fines Reputational damage IT security breaches Audit failures
Contractor Types There are different contractor types that provide varying levels of risks to the Society, and so must be handled accordingly. A colleague is an employee, who can be employed on either a fixed term (FTC) or permanent contract. Do not confuse an FTC employee with a contractor! High Risk Low Risk Direct contractors are highest risk to the Society, as the relationship is direct between the Society and the contractor., ie, no intermediary is involved.
What is good contractor management? Clear contractor definitions and how to handle accordingly. Standard processes consistently followed. Standard systems. One single source of contractor information and documents. HMRC employment status check. Right to work check. UK taxpayer check. Company and VAT registration checks if applicable. Standard contract templates. Contractor policies. Standard contractor status review, extension and termination processes.
Systems Overview for Contractors Reports (BO) EPLOY IFS PSG DATA WAREHOUSE (DW) ACTIVE DIRECTORY (AD) Raise vacancy Advertise vacancy Candidate application Candidate selection Offer of Contract Onboarding Contractor record Contractor data Documents Status review Contract extensions Personal changes Termination Contractor data Automatic AD account Creation Extension Disablement Deletion
Contractor Data Elements Use this form to assist you when checking / completing fields in Eploy Placement. Field Name Direct PSC Agency Service Right to Work HMRC Unique Tax Reference (UTR) HMRC Status Name of Personal Service Company Employment Status Questionnaire Company Name Agency Name Company Registration Number VAT Registration Number Insurance Agency Cover Form c/care only AD Account Contract Always required for this contractor type Agency required to confirm Depending on role
If you are not sure, please ask! Manager Responsibilities Understand the different contractor types and how to handle Review the contractor specific data elements to understand the information being requested Be clear on your responsibilities in the following areas - Vacancies - Onboarding - Status reviews - Extensions - Terminations Refer to the processes and procedures on colleagues connect Follow the processes If you are not sure, please ask!
Contractor Management End of Overview