8th Grade Advanced Language Arts 2018-2019 Mrs. Chris Forster 8th Grade Advanced Language Arts 2018-2019 "Knowledge becomes power only when we put it into use.” Anonymous
My Story
Goals Help students become Effective writers Critical thinkers Productive collaborators
Curriculum & Standards RCS Standards and Benchmarks Goal: Analyze how a work of fiction draws on themes Curriculum – the materials and units used to meet goals. i.e. Unit 4: Analyzing Theme & Symbol House of the Scorpion crest activity
Yearly Plan Full plan available on my webpage.
How is this class “Advanced" Higher level reading materials Higher level questions & in-depth answers that analyze selections Faster pace; less review More independent work Projects presentations
Standards-based Grading Types of assignments: Practice: 3, 2, 1 Assignments: score based on number and difficulty of questions Quizzes and Tests: score based on number and difficulty of questions Scores adjusted to reflect new learning Tasks are “revisited” to improve mastery
Standards-based grading. Test Retakes District mastery = 77% Max score = 84-86% Redos Any constructed response Completed within one week.
Please note that I use WEIGHTED GRADING. Grade Spreadsheets Please note that I use WEIGHTED GRADING. Homework (practice) = 10%. Assignments = 45% Quizzes/Tests = 45%
Special Scores L = Late M = Missing AB Your student was here but did not have his/her assignment. AB Child out when work was assigned or corrected L = Late Student submitted work late. No penalty is applied.
Checking Progress Parent Vue– Allows you to access your student’s information. Make sure I have your email address. Twitter – MrsForsterLA Webpage – I post lesson plans. Although there might be slight changes, you will know about important due dates.
Communication Phone: (248)726-4900 ext. 4941 Van Hoosen Website Planning: 1:30-2:27 Van Hoosen Website E-mail: cforster@rochester.k12.mi.us Twitter: @MrsForsterLA
Thank You "Consider the postage stamp; its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing until it gets there." Josh Billings