Vocabulary Week of May 28th – May 31st Goal: to learn a new word, its part of speech, and how to use it correctly in a sentence
Vocabulary Word of the Day Tuesday, May 28th transient
Please guess the definition… The transient cold spell soon lifted, and the temperatures began to rise, which was welcome relief to the frozen town. Please guess the definition… lasting only for a short time; impermanent transient is an adjective synonyms: short-term, temporary antonym: permanent Now please write a sentence with context clues and use the word correctly.
Vocabulary Word of the Day vicarious
Please guess the definition… The man never achieved what he had wanted to as a high school baseball player, so watching his son succeed as an athlete was a vicarious experience. Please guess the definition… experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person vicarious is an adjective synonyms: indirect, secondhand antonym: firsthand Now please write a sentence with context clues and use the word correctly.
Vocabulary Word of the Day Wednesday, May 29th belittle
It was pure jealousy that caused her to belittle her friend’s success. Please guess the definition… make (someone or something) seem unimportant belittle is a verb synonyms: put down, minimize the importance of antonyms: praise Now please write a sentence with context clues and use the word correctly.
Vocabulary Word of the Day deference
Please guess the definition… The complaint that many Baby Boomers have of Millennials is that they don’t show them proper deference due to age and life experience. Please guess the definition… humble submission and respect deference is a noun synonyms: respect, dutifulness antonym: disrespect Now please write a sentence with context clues and use the word correctly.
Vocabulary Word of the Day Thursday, May 30th clamor
Please guess the definition… After the speaker’s shocking statement the once quiet audience erupted into a clamor of questions and comments. Please guess the definition… a loud and confused noise, especially that of people shouting passionately clamor is a noun (and a verb) synonyms: uproar, outcry antonyms: order Now please write a sentence with context clues and use the word correctly.
Vocabulary Word of the Day resplendent
Please guess the definition… Her dress was the most resplendent of the night, and she received many compliments as a result. Please guess the definition… attractive and impressive through being richly colorful or extravagant resplendent is an adjective synonyms: dazzling, impressive antonym: dull Now please write a sentence with context clues and use the word correctly.
Review for this week’s quiz: resplendent transient clamor caustic deference debacle belittle elicit vicarious elude
Vocabulary Word of the Day Friday, May 31st baffle
Please guess the definition… He tried as hard as he could to prepare for the exam, but still the problems continued to baffle him. Please guess the definition… to confuse or perplex baffle is a verb synonyms: bemuse, confound antonyms: clarify Now please write a sentence with context clues and use the word correctly.
Vocabulary Word of the Day coddle
Please guess the definition… He was so coddled by his mother that he hadn’t even learned how to tie his own shoes until 8th grade. Please guess the definition… treat in an indulgent or overprotective way coddle is a verb synonyms: pamper, baby antonym: neglect Now please write a sentence with context clues and use the word correctly.