Office Layout and Working Practices Unit 2a
Click to go to Sum up page Cellular Office Layout Traditional method of organising the office area Traditional method of organising the office area Each employee has their own usually small office area Each employee has their own usually small office area
Click to go to Sum up page Advantages/Disadvantages of the Cellular Office Time wasted passing work around Rooms can be locked to restrict access Difficult to supervise employees Noisy equipment can be put in separate room May not feel part of the team Fewer distractions Employees may feel isolated from colleagues Privacy for confidential meetings Disadvantages Advantages
Click to go to Sum up page Open-plan/flexible Office Layout Modern method of organising workplace Modern method of organising workplace Large number of employees work together in a large, open area Large number of employees work together in a large, open area
Click to go to Sum up page Advantages/Disadvantages of the Open-plan Office Heating and lighting may not suit everyone Less space wasted – fewer doors and walls Difficult to restrict access to information and belongings Equipment can be shared saving organisation money Many distractions from employees and equipment Easy to supervise all employees Lack of privacy for confidential meetings Team-working encouraged Disadvantages Advantages
Click to go to Sum up page Management must consider… Layout will depend on Layout will depend on Number of employees Number of employees Type of work being done Type of work being done Amount of money available Amount of money available If organisation growing or getting smaller If organisation growing or getting smaller The layout should Be adaptable Provide storage Allow easy movement Provide security
Click to go to Sum up page Office Furniture Desks: Should suit activity Lockable drawers Storage: Should be lockable Should prevent damage eg flood Chair: Adjustable to suit individual Must meet Health and Safety Law Workstation: L-shaped to allow computer and paperwork Cable management Storage Organised and tidy Lockable drawers
Click to go to Sum up page ICT in the Workplace Laptop: useful for working away from office Computer: Allows communication from home via Mobile: Keep in contact when away from office PDA: Combines computer, phone, internet Pager: To contact someone out of the office Voic Can receive messages when unavailable to answer Fax: Allows exact copies of written documents to be sent and received Video-conferencing: Allows employees to take part in face-to- face conversations without the expense or time involved in travelling to meetings Laptop: useful for working away from office PDA: Combines computer, phone, internet and for at home, travelling, in hotels, in customer premises
Click to go to Sum up page Different Working Practices Homeworking – an employee doing their job from their own home Teleworking – an employee doing their job away from the office
Click to go to Sum up page Good and Bad things about Homework and Teleworking Lack motivation Difficult to supervise Flexible hours Happier employees Distractions at home Difficult to arrange meetings Less travel cost Less absenteeism Miss social aspects Cost of equipment Less travel time Less space required ForEmployee ForEmployer ForEmployee ForEmployer DisadvantagesAdvantages
Click to go to Sum up page Other working practices Hot Desk – bookable spare desk with computer and phone Touchdown area – for brief visits to the office Carrel – small booth allowing privacy and fewer distractions Chillout area – separate from work area for taking a break Hot Room – may be booked in advance for holding meetings
Click to go to Sum up page Working Hours Flexitime – employees arrange own start and finish times. Must work core time. Keep record of hours worked Job Share – one full time job split between 2 people. Share wage and holidays. Often used by teachers Shift Work – employees work different times of the day/night to ensure the organisation is always open
Click to go to Sum up page Implications of Changes in Working Practices Health and safety – any changes must meet health and safety requirements Health and safety – any changes must meet health and safety requirements Staff welfare – consult with staff and provide training if necessary Staff welfare – consult with staff and provide training if necessary Managing change – communicate with staff about changes Managing change – communicate with staff about changes Cost – eg purchase of equipment and furniture; training of staff Cost – eg purchase of equipment and furniture; training of staff
Click to go to Sum up page To sum up, we have covered… Cellular office layout Cellular office layout Cellular office layout Cellular office layout Open-plan office layout Open-plan office layout Open-plan office layout Open-plan office layout Management considerations on layout Management considerations on layout Management considerations on layout Management considerations on layout Office furniture Office furniture Office furniture Office furniture ICT in the workplace ICT in the workplace ICT in the workplace ICT in the workplace Home working Home working Teleworking Other working practices Other working practices Working hours Working hours Implications of changes to working practices Implications of changes to working practices Click on the link to go back to the slide if you need to revise any of the above!!!