Sanitation Personal hygiene Safe disposal of human excreta Sanitation refers to way of life expressed through Personal hygiene Safe disposal of human excreta 3. Safe handling of drinking water 4. Liquid waste management 5. Solid waste management 6. Home sanitation and food hygiene 7. Office / Institution hygiene 8.Community environmental sanitation for better health and environment
Retention Time of Microorganisms
OFFICE SANITATION SELF EVALUATION & ACTION Sl. No. Activity Proposed Date 1 First Office Level Meeting 3-10-2009 2 Formation of Core Committee 3 Self Evaluation / Verification of facilities as per check list Before 10-10-2009 4 Preparation of Action Plan 15-10-2009 5 Completion of Action plan ( Short Term Measures) 1-11-2009 6 Mid Term Self Evaluation 15-11-2009 7 Completion of Action plan ( Long Term Measures) 1-1-2010 8 Self Evaluation 7-1-2010 Social Audit 15- 01-2010
OFFICE SANITATION Action Components Sl. No. Component 1 Environmental Upkeep of Premise 2 Toilet/s Urinals 3 Waste Management Facilities- (Liquid waste) 4 Waste Management Facilities- (Solid waste) 5 Availability of Drinking water 6 Beautification 7 Keeping of Office records / Record room 8 Front Office / Information Centre
OFFICE SANITATION ACTION PLAN- Check List 1.Environmental Upkeep of Premise Sl. No. Facilities Availability 1 Garbage Dumping / littering Yes / No 2 Breeding Ground for Mosquitoes 3 Bush / Grass Causes Propagating Mosquitoes 4 General Neatness Good / Excellent 5 Rain Water Recharge Facility 6 Availability of Parking Place for Staff and Guests
OFFICE SANITATION ACTION PLAN- Check List 2. Toilets / Urinals Sl. No. Facilities Availability 1 Toilet for Staff Yes / No 2 Toilet for Guest / Visitors 3 Urinals for Staff 4 Urinals for Guest / Visitors 5 Women Fridley Toilets ( For Office Complex) 6 Toilets for Physically Challenged( For Office Complex) 7 Availability of water 8 Ventilation/ Lighting/ Locking Facilities 9 Sufficiency in Number Good /Excellant
OFFICE SANITATION ACTION PLAN- Check List 3. Waste Management Facilities- (Liquid waste) Sl. No. Facilities Availability 1 Black Water Disposal (Toilet / Urinal Waste) Yes / No 2 Grey Water Disposal( Wash basin/ canteen/ bath Room) 3 Recycle Reuse of Treated Waste 4 Sufficiency of Liquid Waste Treatment/ Disposal Good/ Excellent 5 Upkeep Of Facilities 6 Toilets for Physically Challenged( For Office Complex)
OFFICE SANITATION ACTION PLAN- Check List 4.Waste Management Facilities- (Solid Waste) Sl. No. Facilities Availability 1 Bins for segregated Storage Yes / No 2 Separate bins for Non-degradable waste 3 Removal Frequency Daily / Weekly / Others specify 4 Sufficiency in Number Good /Excellent 5 Waste Treatment / Disposal facility 6 Details of solid waste treatment Pit composting / Bin Composting/ Ring Composting / Biogas plant/ Nil 7 Action taken for banning Plastic Use 8 Use of Compost in the premise for gardening / vegetable Cultivation
OFFICE SANITATION ACTION PLAN- Check List 5.Availability of Drinking Water Sl. No. Facilities Availability 1 Common for office staff and Guests Yes / No 2 Separate for Staff and Guests 3 Source of water Piped / Well / River / Pond 4 Sufficiency Good /Excellent 5 Disinfected / Boiled or Not
OFFICE SANITATION ACTION PLAN- Check List 6.Beautification Sl. No. Facilities Availability 1 Garden Yes / No 2 Lawn 3 Cleanness of wall / building Good/ Excellent 4 Pasting of Notices/ stickers on Wall / Compound wall 5 Availability of Notice Board for Office use 6 Availability of Notice Board for Service organizations
OFFICE SANITATION ACTION PLAN- Check List 7.Keeping of Office Records / Record Room Sl. No. Facilities Availability 1 Keeping of Current Files in Shelf / rack Yes / No 2 Keeping of old files in Record Room 3 Keeping of tables in good Condition 4 Provided name of Office with name of Place 5 Upkeep Of facilities Good/ Excellent 6 Placement of direction Boards within Office
OFFICE SANITATION ACTION PLAN- Check List 8.Front Office / Information Centre Sl. No. Facilities Availability 1 Provided front office Yes / No 2 Information Dissemination Capacity of Front Office Good/ Excellent 3 Provided adequately Trained man power 4 Location / Aptness of location of Front Office 5 Upkeep Of facilities 6 Exhibition of Board for encouraging use of front Office by Public
Technological Options
( Pit ) SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT Black Water Treatment / Disposal Options TOILET Low Cost on-Site sanitation ( Pit ) SEWERAGE SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT SOAK PIT SEPTIC TANK
Simple Pit Toilet
Twin Pit Ventilated Improved Latrine EXCRETA DISPOSAL Twin Pit Ventilated Improved Latrine One pit at a time One year for one pit Clearing content after one year Alternating cycle of operation
Twin Pit Water Seal Toilet EXCRETA DISPOSAL Twin Pit Water Seal Toilet It is a complete excreta disposal system It has Water Closet Pan Water Seal and Trap Junction Chamber Drain Pipes Leach Pits Single Pit Water Seal Toilet
Classification of Wastes according to their Properties Bio – degradable Can be degraded Non – degradable Cannot be degraded
Segregation of Waste at Point of Source Organic Waste Kerosene can, petrol can, battery Tube lights, photographic materials Plastic, glass, metal Paper, wood, etc
Solid Waste Strorage Segregation at Source Awareness Biodegradable in green plastic bucket of 10 -50 litre non – degradable White bin of 15 -50 litre
Solid Waste Management at Source Segregated storage Management of biodegradable waste Storage & Hand Over of non biodegradable waste Storage & Hand Over of hazardous waste
Treatment of Biodegradable Waste Composting Aerobic Anaerobic (Pit / Ring) Biogas Plant
100 cm 100 cm 100 cm PIT COMPOSTING
Anaerobic Composting Pit Method Two pits of 1m x 1m x 1m Single layer of broken bricks at bottom Ridge with mud at the periphery of pit Contd……..
Biogas Plants Institutional Level
Types of biogas Plants Floating Dome KVIC / Pragati Fixed Dome Janata / Deenabandhu / Chinese
Biogas Plant Anaerobic decomposition of waste to produce Bio gas – methane & CO2