Deer and Dragonfly classes The team: Mrs Lavender Mitchell, Mrs Walden, Mrs Crowhurst, Mrs Beer, Mrs Warner, Mrs Jowitt, Mrs Jackson, Mrs Flannegan, Mrs Pearce, Mrs Hirst
Our Topics Autumn – Were the Romans remarkable? During this term we will be finding out about the Romans. We will discover how life changed under Roman rule. We will be looking at maps to find out how far their influence stretched. We will be learning about how the Romans lived and uncovering some of the things they are most famous for. In DT we will be making Roman soldiers and creating our own mosaics in art. We will also explore Roman numerals in maths. Finally, we will decide if they really were remarkable. Alongside this, we will be looking at the world around us and the impact humans have on it. We will identify, name and classify plants. We will use ICT to create databases and graphs to sort and interpret the information we collect in science. We will be looking at Christianity as our RE topic and learning to sing ABBA’s Mamma Mia in music!
Spring term – What’s under your skin? During the spring term we will be travelling inside the human body. We will find out about our skeletons and how our body functions. We will be carrying out research using the internet and presenting our findings using Word and Publisher. We will explore what a good diet looks like and find out how what we eat affects our body. We will be making some healthy food in DT. Alongside our topic, we will find out what happened after the Romans left Britain and discover more invaders in history. We will be working on our performance skills as we will be inviting you in to share our work with you. We will be studying Judaism in RE.
The summer term – Why is the Earth Moving? It seems a long way off but we will be there before we know it! During our final term we will be exploring moving parts of the Earth. We will be looking under our feet and finding out about continental plates and the dramatic events caused by their movement. We will also look up to the sky and ask questions about what the Sun and shadows can tell us about how the Earth is moving. We will also be writing our own code in ICT. Our RE focus for this term is Islam.
Communication We will be using class Dojo this year. We may use it to communicate non- urgent messages. Please check diaries for messages and bags for letters. You can also write messages in the reading diary. Come and talk to us, preferably at the end of the day, or before registration if it is urgent. If you don’t drop off or pick up your child, you can phone and make an appointment. We also use the blackboards outside the classrooms to communicate some generic messages.
This year we will be using homework books This year we will be using homework books. Each child will bring home a book which will contain a list of different homework tasks related to the term’s topic that the children can choose from. The expectation is that children complete one piece a week and hand their book in on their designated day. It will then be marked and returned to the children. Maths homework will be mainly set on My Maths. New user names and pass words will be sent home soon. Weekly spelling lists will still come home and spelling tests will be on a Friday morning. Homework is monitored and house points are awarded for completing it. Those who do not complete homework regularly may be required to catch up during playtime or lunchtime.
Reading and times tables We expect children to read to an adult and record it in their diary at least 3 times a week. Asking them questions is a good way to check that they understand what they are reading. There are class rewards for children who do this and an opportunity to win prizes in our ‘Super Readers’ assemblies. Please practise times tables regularly with your child. Year 3 children are expected to know their 3, 4, 6 and 8 times tables by the end of the year. Year 4 are expected to know up to their 12 times tables by the end of the year.
Uniform Please refer to the school uniform policy for full information on this. We do find it helpful to remind the children of these main points: Shirts should be tucked in whilst the children are in school. Ties should be worn at all times when wearing a school shirt. If fleeces are worn in the classroom then they need to be school fleeces. No jewellery is to be worn, including coloured wristbands, with the exception of small stud earrings. No nail polish or temporary tattoos. Hair pieces (bows and headbands etc) to be small in size in neutral or school colours.
During the year the children will be taught gymnastics by Mrs Walsh, outside PE by Mrs Clark and Mrs Guilfoyle as well as lessons by their class teacher. Due to the fact that the PE timetable will change half termly we ask that if your child can not take their earrings out by themselves that they do not wear them to school. We are not allowed to remove earrings and if a child is wearing earrings and unable to take them out they will unfortunately not be able to participate in the PE lesson.
Water and snack Please supply your child with a named water bottle containing plain water to drink in the classroom. Snacks are no longer supplied in KS2 so it is a good idea to send your child to school with a healthy snack to get them through until lunch.