Multimedia – Unit 22 Name
Contents for Unit 22 To complete this unit you MUST do everything on the white slides The instructions are on the blue slides The merit and distinction tasks are on the grey slides Task 1: Evaluating Audio Clips Task 2: Designing storyboard for audio clip Task 3: Creating your audio clip Task 4: Evaluating your audio clip
Task 1 – Evaluating Audio Clips For this task you have to review two different audio clips. This could be a: Radio advert Example 1 Example 2 Soundtrack from a film trailer Music clip Music to a TV advert Downloads from the internet
Evaluation of clip 1 Web address for clip Name of Clip: Length of Clip: Type of Clip: Content of the clip The best features of the clip: The weakest features of the clip:
Evaluation of clip 2 Web address for clip Name of Clip: Length of Clip: Type of Clip: Content of the clip The best features of the clip: The weakest features of the clip:
Task 1 – Merit For each clips reviewed explain the best features and the weakest features Clip 1: Clip 2: Aim of the clip: What does the clip hope to achieve? I think that the clip could be improved by … I think that these changes will improve the clip because …
Task 1 –Distinction For a distinction go back and thoroughly explain the good points and bad points for each clip. You also need to suggest a range of valid improvements
Task 2: Designing Storyboard for Audio Clip You have to design an audio clip that is 45 seconds in total. The clip should support an advert of your choice On the slide that follows give you audio clip a name, identify the aim of the clip and explain the audience of the clip.
My Audio Clip Name of Audio Clip Aim of the Audio Clip Audience of the audio clip (Merit task)
Storyboard for the audio clip If you are aiming for a PASS you only need to include 4 frames in your storyboard If you are aiming for a MERIT or DISTINCTION you need to include 8 frames in your storyboard Start by choosing 4-8 audio files to include in your advert In the storyboard you should now be able to write in the filename and track duration – YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO ANY MORE AT THIS STAGE
Storyboard for Audio Clip (1) Filename: Original track duration: Edited track duration: Special Effect: Editing: Filename: Original track duration: Edited track duration: Special Effect: Editing: Filename: Original track duration: Edited track duration: Special Effect: Editing: Filename: Original track duration: Edited track duration: Special Effect: Editing:
Storyboard for Audio Clip –MERIT & DISTINCTION (2) Filename: Original track duration: Edited track duration: Special Effect: Editing: Filename: Original track duration: Edited track duration: Special Effect: Editing: Filename: Original track duration: Edited track duration: Special Effect: Editing: Filename: Original track duration: Edited track duration: Special Effect: Editing:
Task 3: Teach yourself Audacity You have done work on Audacity before, but if you are not sure how to use the programme follow the online lesson at:
Task 3 – Composing the Audio Clip To achieve a PASS you must: Produce a clip that is at least 45 seconds in length and: Importing music (i.e. from net resources, internet, CD, memory stick into Audacity) Show Cutting Show Copying Show Pasting Show at least 1 special effects that you have used Export and save the audio clip changing it to an MP3 file
Task 3a - Importing music (i. e Task 3a - Importing music (i.e. from net resources, internet, CD, memory stick into Audacity) On the slides that follow show how you have imported one music based sound file
Task 3a - Importing music (i. e Task 3a - Importing music (i.e. from net resources, internet, CD, memory stick into Audacity)
Task 3c - Show Cutting In the slides that follow show where you have cut a piece from one of the tracks you have imported. Note on the annotation why you cut the track and why you cut the track.
Task 3c - Show Cutting
Task 3d - Show Copying Copy at least one section of a track you imported In your annotation say how you copied the track and why you are copying the track
Task 3d - Show Copying
Task 3e - Show Pasting Paste a section of a track that you have copied or cut from another area In you annotation be sure to highlight the section of the track that you have pasted and how it has changed the track you have added this to.
Task 3e - Show Pasting
Task 3f - Show at least 1 special effect that you have used Select a special effect from effects menu to improve your work Make sure that you annotate the screen shots to show how this was done and why you are adding the effect
Task 3f - Show at least 2 special effects that you have used
Task 3g - Export and save the audio clip changing it to an MP3 file Once you have finished your work you will save it as a file run by audacity You will need to change the type of this file to an MP3 file In the screen shots that follow show each step of your work and why you did it
Task 3 – Completing the storyboard Look at all of the changes you have made. Go back to task 2 and change your storyboard adding the correct details for: Edited track duration: Special Effect: Editing:
Task 3 – Merit & Distinction All the above plus: Splitting/trimming clips Distinction Silencing/fading
Task 4 – Evaluating the Audio Clip Now you have completed your audio clip you must test it to see whether or not it works in the way that you hoped Complete the table on the next page to test your completed audio
Evaluation of audio clip Description of Test How will it be tested? Expected Result Actual Correct length of clip 45 seconds Special effects Suitable content Date Tested:
Evaluation of Audio Clip (2) The things that could be improved on:
Merit & Distinction Description of Test How will it be tested? Expected Result Actual whether or not your audio conveys the right message whether or not your file has been exported to a suitable format
Task 4 – Merit & Distinction There are also things that you could improve on: Show a screen shot of one of the improvements you have made (Merit) This should be a screenshot before the improvement and after the improvement, Show screen shots of all improvements you have made (Distinction)