Simon Claus, Leen Vandepitte, Klaas Deneudt & Tjess Hernandez


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Presentation transcript:

Development of a Marine Biological Data Portal within the framework of EMODNet Simon Claus, Leen Vandepitte, Klaas Deneudt & Tjess Hernandez Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ)

Outline Presentation Introduction Development phase Standards & networks System & functionalities Data inventory & gaps Challenges & recommendations EMODnet September 9, 2019

The overall objectives Assemble fragmented and inaccessible marine data into interoperable, contiguous and publicly available data streams for complete maritime basins. define the appropriate processes, best technology and approximate costs of a final EMODNET provide first components of a final system which will be useful to provide value-added services. Temporal/Spatial distribution Phytoplankton, Zooplankton, Angiosperms, Macro-algae, Invertebrate bottom fauna, Birds, Sea mammals, Reptiles. Parameters: Abundance, Biomass. Geographic Focus: North Sea incl. Kattegat, Channel; Bay of Biscay, Iberian Coast Proposal Biological Lot: Inventory of holdings Gap analysis Building data/metadata portal + integrate biological data Strategy plan for future EMODnet September 9, 2019

Current stage of EMODnet Biology Finalizing the development phase of the preparatory action Final report Prototype portal Analysis, lessons learned Recommendations for future and for a final EMODnet Start ‘maintenance phase’ in may 2011 (for one year) Preliminary results EMODnet September 9, 2019

The data portal system → Existing network of distributed data systems → OGC compliant data system → Standardized data system → System integrating data with different levels of accessibility → User friendly, can be used by non-specialist EMODnet September 9, 2019

The data portal system → Based on EurOBIS data system: standards → Uses OBIS scheme for integrating biogeographic data → Linked with global systems (OBIS-IODE/IOC-GBIF) → Taxonomy matched with World Register of Marine Species → Geographic standards: OGC compliant, Marine Gazetteer for geographic names EMODnet September 9, 2019

The portal functionalities ( → Data catalogue EMODnet September 9, 2019

The portal functionalities → Data querying (taxa; parameters, datasets, layers) View List Filter Download WoRMS Metadata EMODnet September 9, 2019

The portal functionalities → Data visualization EMODnet September 9, 2019

The portal functionalities → Taxonomic functionalities Autocompletion taxonomic search queries Show map, include child taxa Show map, including synonyms EMODnet September 9, 2019

The portal functionalities → Data downloading EMODnet September 9, 2019

The portal functionalities → Help & feedback EMODnet September 9, 2019

Data inventory and gaps EMODnet September 9, 2019

Data inventory and gaps EMODnet September 9, 2019

Data inventory and gaps EMODnet September 9, 2019

Data inventory and gaps: EurOBIS EMODnet EMODnet September 9, 2019

Data inventory and gaps: EurOBIS Relative distribution Number of records per species group in EurOBIS (total=14.245.339) EMODnet September 9, 2019

Data inventory and gaps: EurOBIS EurOBIS in April 2009 EurOBIS in February 2011 EMODnet September 9, 2019

Data inventory and gaps EMODnet September 9, 2019

Data inventory and gaps: EurOBIS EMODnet September 9, 2019

Data inventory and gaps: national long term monitoring EMODnet September 9, 2019

Data inventory and gaps: national long term monitoring EMODnet September 9, 2019

Data inventory and gaps: species observations per group Linked with EMODnet September 9, 2019

Data inventory and gaps: species observations per group EMODnet September 9, 2019

Data inventory and gaps: Indirect measures for groups of species – chlorophyll a Plot on Map GeoNetwork metadata EMODnet September 9, 2019

Challenges & recommendations Main strategies/barriers to the provision of data Scientific datasets Through questionnaires to partner networks: metadata ok Data grant program (e.g. Black Sea, IBSS) – mini grants for digitizing/standardize/qc Through organisation of ‘scientific data workshops’ (MarBEF experience), in progr. Monitoring programs: in progr. Provided and in progress (France, Germany...) Stimulation by EU desirable EMODnet September 9, 2019

Challenges & recommendations Main strategies/barriers to the provision of data Time gap.... EMODnet September 9, 2019

Challenges & recommendations Monitoring effectiveness/performance of portal Intensity of use: launched end of February 2011 After three months: Feedback forms received (20) + feedback from MODEG 110 downloads PhD, informative, Scientific research (Governmental institute), Research, Integration into OBIS, validation routines, For classes, Biogeographic research, marine data mgt. training, Data comparisons, science, species mapping and marine protection zones, I will use these data to estimate the ecological requirements of the species, The purpose of my research is to understand the impact of the environment on behaviour of species, I study the ecological requirements of the species, Ecological Niche, The assess the ecological niceh of the species, Ecological Niche, information, Variation of Copepod behaviour and effect of biomass variation, Effect of biomass on copepod behaviour, Habitat modelling., environmental analysis, Data vergelijking…. EMODnet September 9, 2019

Challenges & recommendations Challenges to rendering data interoperable, to producing contiguous data Improving accuracy, precision and coverage Fitness for purpose (measuring ecosystem health): link data EMODnet Bio portal to descriptors for GES Descriptor 1 states that Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climate conditions => 14 million distribution records of which 50% contain abundance data. Descriptor 2 mentions that non-indigenous species introduced by human activities are at levels that do not adversely alter the ecosystem=>Although there are data on several non indigenous species available, the species have yet not been ‘tagged’ as non-indigenous Descriptor 4 states that All elements of the marine food webs, occur at normal abundance and diversity and levels capable of ensuring the long-term abundance of the species…=>the abundance data and taxonomic diversity information of the distributions could be used in order to test this. Descriptor 6 mentions that Sea-floor integrity is at a level that ensures that the structure and functions of the ecosystems are safeguarded and benthic ecosystems, in particular, are not adversely affected. The benthic data counts for about 20-25% of the data EMODnet September 9, 2019

Recommendations Recommendations for the overall EMODnet Sustainability Welcomed the communication Marine Knowledge 2020, in which a common architecture and governance model for marine observations and data across the EU is proposed The model for governance by actors in the system All relevant actors; these include the large data collating centers, national organizations in charge of the monitoring of the marine environment, the private industry and the scientific research community Availability of standard procedures facilitating data flow Link with EU initiatives, EU directives (WFD, MSFD), national monitoring activities: facilitating data flow Future activities for the biological project Focus on data identified gaps Ecological tagging (functional group, invasive, protected...) Improve link between other emodnet lots (cfr habitat mapping project, abiotic data...) Technical improvements (visualise temporal component...) Genomic data EMODnet September 9, 2019

Thank you EMODnet September 9, 2019

The portal functionalities → Standard Data attributes: DateLastModified, CatalogNumber, ScientificName, Year, Month, Day, Longitude, Latitude, Precision(m), MinDepth(m) , MaxDepth (m), Sex, Observed Individual Count, SampleSize, InstitutionCode, Citation, TaxonLSID, Metadata EMODnet September 9, 2019