UNCLASSIFIED OFFICE OF ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR MILITARY AFFAIRS March 2009 Train like you fight and fight like you train.
UNCLASSIFIED 2 Train like you fight and fight like you train. Emphasize strategic and tactical HUMINT operations and collection capabilities. Produce written HUMINT scripts and story-lines to support the development of National and DoD level exercise scenarios. Establish situational awareness for deploying US military leadership on Agency crisis response capabilities. Emphasize targeting coordination and deconfliction procedures. Provide Agency Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to enhance the quality of National HUMINT requirements throughout the Exercise period. Educate Intelligence Community mission components and US military on our HUMINT support during the Time Sensitive Planning (TSP) process during a time of crisis. Exercise Goals & Objectives
UNCLASSIFIED 3 : Set Criteria for Participation: Must be Strategic or Operational-level focus for DoD, an opportunity for two-way education, an evolutionary vs. fully-scripted event, with IC-wide & Interagency support Priority of Participation: JCS mandated exercises Major COCOM sponsored "significant" events Deploying Units (MEUs, Divisions, and Corps or equivalents) Special Operation exercises Homeland Defense related (by exception and via NORTHCOM or JSOC request) National/DoD Level Exercises (COCOM and above) Military Service Level Exercises (Leading to Crisis Support) Balanced with & through the following: Inreach / Outreach Programs Strategic Agency guidance Collaboration with JFCOM and JCS exercise planners Exercise Support - Tiered Approach
UNCLASSIFIED 4 Benefits CIA Benefit - Enhance understanding of military strengths and limitations - Provide area familiarizations - Test Agency systems and procedures- including communication equipment - Familiarize personnel with requirements of support to military operations within a military environment - Improve awareness and understanding of intel related issues associated with military operations. Military Benefit - Exposure to CIA HUMINT and analytical reporting and CIAs role in requests for information (RFI) process - Familiarization with CIAs role in Crisis Support and CIAs role and capabilities in force protection/threat reporting - Understand Agencys strengths and limitations. - Exposure to unique authorities, contacts and capabilities
UNCLASSIFIED 5 National/DoD Level Exercises Top Officials, Terminal Fury, Austere Challenge, Able Warrior, etc. Military Service Level Exercises MRX support for forces ready to deploy to Iraq, Afghanistan, JTF/HOA MRX support for forces ready to deploy to Iraq, Afghanistan, JTF/HOA USMC certification USMC certification Inreach / Outreach Program Priority of Participation: ADMA supports JCS mandated exercises, Major COCOM sponsored "significant" events, Special Operation exercises and works with War College reps assisting "next generation" officers with war- game scenarios and the development of transforming policies. Criteria of Participation: Requested by Command, legitimate CIA role, history of participation, unique opportunities, new initiatives, and funding. Tiered Approach