Nursing Pathways to Higher Education: High School to Associate to Bachelor Degree in Nursing Kaycee Rump, MSN, RN Anne Arundel Community College, Arnold, Maryland Anne Arundel Community College (AACC) believes that if the pre-nursing students maintain academic rigor from high school to their pre-nursing studies and throughout the nursing program, by close advisement to monitor and evaluate their academic progression, then the pre-nursing students will come into the nursing program academically strong and will have a smoother academic transition to baccalaureate nursing programs. 10th Grade High School Student’s Pathway AACC Prerequisites & Nursing Curriculum Plan Fall 2019 Spring 2020 Fall 2020 Spring 2021 Summer 2021 Fall 2021 Winter 2022 Spring 2022 Summer 2022 HS coursework CAT-N courses ECAP: AACC MAT 137 College Algebra 3 credits ECAP: AACC ENG 101 Academic Writing & Research 1 HS: Math HS: English CAT-N: 3 courses ECAP: AACC BIO 101 Fundamentals of Biology w/lab 4 credits CAT-N: 3 courses (3 credits awarded for medical terminology) ECAP: AACC BIO 233 Anatomy & Physiology I w/lab Apply for CNA certification After high school graduation submit all high school transcripts and AP exam scores. Apply for AACC’s Nursing Program to start spring semester 2022. AACC PSY 111 Psychology AACC BIO 234 Anatomy & Physiology II w/lab AACC BIO 223 Microbiology w/lab AACC SOC 111 Introduction to Sociology 3 credits AACC PSY 211 Developmental Psychology AACC Arts/Hum1 3 credits (Recommended COM111) AACC Arts/Hum2 3 credits (Recommended an english course) AACC NUR 120 Foundations of Nursing 7 credits AACC NUR 121 Basic Physical Assessment 1 credit AACC NUR 122 Nursing Perspectives AACC Arts/Hum3 3 credits (Recommended for online, PHI142) AACC CHE 111 General Chemistry w/lab AACC BIO 135 Principles of Nutrition 13 credits 12 credits Fall 2022 Winter 2023 Spring 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Winter 2024 Spring 2024 Summer 2024 Fall 2024 AACC NUR 130 Nursing of Adult Clients in Health and Illness 5 credits AACC NUR 131 Maternal, Newborn Nursing, and Women’s Health AACC MAT 135 Statistics (Recommended for online) AACC Arts/Hum4 3 credits (Recommended a fine arts course) AACC NUR 220 AACC NUR 221 Nursing Care of Children and Families BSN NURS300 Professional Transitions in Nursing 3 credits BSN NURS310 Assessment, Evaluation, and Clinical Decision Making 3 credits BSN NURS325 Integrated Pathophysiology and Clinical pharmacology 4 credits AACC NUR 230 Nursing Mgmt of Clients with Complex Health Problems and Transition 9 credits AACC NUR 231 Nursing Perspectives 2 A.S. Degree Awarded BSN NURS401 Caring for Today’s Veterans 3 credits NCLEX – RN AACC Arts/Hum5 3 credits (Recommended a history course) Start New Grad Residency Program (start working as a nurse!) BSN NURS350 Transformational Leadership and Cultures of Safety* 3 credits BSN NURS400 Emerging Trends and Scholarship in Nursing 3 credits BSN NURS421 Community Health 1* 3 credits BSN NURS340 Science of Evidence-Based Practice 3 credits BSN NURS 498 Senior Seminar in Nursing Studies 3 credits BSN NURS422 Community Health 2* 3 credits B.S. Degree in Nursing awarded upon completion of all degree requirements 6 credits Graph Summary: A comparison of the frequency of pre-nursing and Associate to Bachelor Degree in Nursing advisements per student group between fall and spring semesters of 2018-2019 academic year show a notable increase in the amount of high school students being advised in spring semester. Additionally, there were increases from the pre-nursing, incoming, and first semester groups as well. As the high school outreach becomes the norm for AACC’s nursing program, it is predicted that the frequency of advisements will be towards the high school and pre-nursing student groups to include both pre-nursing and Associate to Bachelor Degree in Nursing advisements. High School Student Outreach Initiatives AACC School of Health Sciences Open House AACC Nursing Program Information Sessions Social Media Engagement Nursing Focus Interest Groups within the High Schools One-on-One Meetings with Potential Students Tailored Academic Pathways AACC/AACPS Pathway Partnership Monthly Meetings Updating AACC academic advisors on RN program options Dual-enrollment/Dual-admission University Partnerships Table Notes: Red font denotes important notes throughout the pathway. Blue font denotes courses that are NOT required for AACC’s nursing program but may be required for the BSN program (each BSN program requires different courses). Green font denotes courses that are one of AACC’s partner universities (ex. American Public University Systems) and how the courses can be started while taking AACC nursing courses (this is considered dual-enrollment). *These courses have 20 hours each of in-person components, called practicum/clinical hours (60 hours total for the whole program), the rest of the purple courses are all online. Students are encouraged during the summer following their sophomore year to apply to AACC. After they are accepted, the student will need to submit all transcripts. Students are also highly encouraged to take ACA100 Student Success Seminar (1 credit) during that summer to promote collegiate readiness. Nursing Academic Progression Goals & Accomplishments FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 NSP II grant annual goal totals for students initiating dual-enrollment & RN to BSN/MSN programs per FY year 30 40 50 60 75 Nursing graduates enrolled in RN to BSN/MSN Programs after 1 year 35 18* Nursing students that initiated dual-enrollment/dual-admission programs 4 12 9 *Only includes December graduates Acknowledgements: The Nursing Pathways To Higher Education at Anne Arundel Community College has been made possible through the generous support of Nurse Support II Grants from the Maryland Higher Education Commission under the auspices of State of Maryland Health Services Cost Review Commission. Notice of Nondiscrimination: AACC is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, Title IX, ADA Title 504 compliant institution. Call Disability Support Services, 410-777-2306 or Maryland Relay 711, 72 hours in advance to request most accommodations. Requests for sign language interpreters, alternative format books or assistive technology require 30 days’ notice. For information on AACC’s compliance and complaints concerning sexual assault, sexual misconduct, discrimination or harassment, contact the federal compliance officer and Title IX coordinator at 410-777-1239, or Maryland Relay 711.