3.19.19 U.S. HISTORY ON THIS DAY: 1628 - The Massachusetts colony was founded by Englishmen. 1903 - The U.S. Senate ratified the Cuban treaty, gaining naval bases in Guantanamo and Bahia Honda. 1918 - The U.S. Congress approved Daylight-Saving Time. 1920 - The U.S. Senate rejected the Versailles Treaty for the second time maintaining an isolation policy. 1931 - The state of Nevada legalized gambling. 1945 - About 800 people were killed as Japanese kamikaze planes attacked the U.S. carrier Franklin off Japan. 1947 - Chiang Kai-Shek's forces took control of Yenan, the former headquarters of the Chinese Communist Party 1949 - The Soviet People's Council signed the constitution of the German Democratic Republic, and declared that the North Atlantic Treaty was merely a war weapon. 1963 - In Costa Rica, U.S. President Kennedy and six Latin American presidents pledged to fight Communism. AGENDA: PICK-UP YOUR COMPUTER. & LOG INTO QUIZLET.LIVE. COMPLETE UNIT 6 REVIEWS THE COLD WAR & POST WWII AMERICA. HOMEWORK: UNIT 6 VOCABULARY QUIZ TOMORROW. UNIT 6 BINDER CHECK & TEST THURSDAY. BELL WORK: #8 PICK-UP & READ AMERICA IN THE 1950s. DO NOT WRITE ON WORKSHEET. IN YOUR BELL WORK SECTION, ANSWER QUESTIONS #1-6.