Welcome to Year 4
Staff 4F Miss Fraser 4L Miss Lavery 4GH Mrs Gee/Mrs Horn. Class Teacher 4F Miss Fraser 4L Miss Lavery 4GH Mrs Gee/Mrs Horn.
Staff Teaching Assistants Mrs Gilroy Mrs Williams
Staff PPA Teachers Mrs Mackow Mrs Burness
Daily Organisation Soft Start – children can come into the classroom from 8.40am – reading or activities will be set. Break 10.50 am – 11.10 am Lunch 12.15 – 1.15 pm End of the day 3.15pm pick up.
Curriculum RE Prayer Life –prayers to begin and end the school day, assemblies, masses, feast days Autumn Beginning with God, World Religions - Judaism, Preparations Spring Being a Sacramental person, Easter Summer Pentecost, World Religions – Sikhism , Treasures
Curriculum Topic - Creative Curriculum Autumn – Invaders and Settlers (focusing on the Romans), Roman Dress Up Theme Day (Friday 6th October), Roman Art, Sound, Conductors and Electricity. HOAC- 16th October Spring –Solids, Liquids and Gases, Van Gogh, Shang Dynasty Summer –Local Settlements, Trip to site around Manor Farm, Habitats and Animals (including humans).
Curriculum English Autumn–Stories with historical settings, recounts, stories set in imaginary worlds. Spring – stories from other cultures, information texts. Summer –stories which raise issues and dilemmas, plays, poetry. We teach explanation texts and persuasive texts through the topics above. Maths There are three maths group in Year 4. We have continued this year with one higher ability group and two mixed ability middle sets.
Assessment at Sacred Heart Our Assessment system is based on the key skills children acquire and develop in each subject. These key skills are developed throughout Year 1 – Year 6. They span the three phases: Key Stage 1 (Milestone 1) Lower Key Stage 2, Years 3 and 4 (Milestone 2) Upper Key Stage 2, Years 5 and 6 (Milestone 3) When we report attainment and progress to you it will be based upon how well children are acquiring and applying these essential key skills in their learning. We will also be letting you know whether your child is at age related expectations or whether they are above or below age related expectations.
Reading Reading Record: In order to maintain consistency, we ask that the children use the same reading book at home and at school. Please try to hear your child read daily and at least five times each week for about 15 minutes. Please sign the reading record every time they read to an adult. The reading record and book must be brought into school every day and will be checked weekly on a Wednesday (4L), Thursday (4F) or Friday (4GH). Scheme books will be changed accordingly, by the children. We also do ‘Guided Reading’ on a weekly basis.
Homework Diaries Diaries should be brought to school every day and will be checked and signed on a Monday. Your child will record their homework in the relevant box on the day it is set as well as the date it is to be returned. The diary may be used for communication between home and school. Please sign the diary at the end of the week to show that your child has shown you their homework requirements for that week.
Homework Please supply your child with a plastic homework folder to ensure all homework is kept neat and tidy. Every child will be supplied with a Maths homework book and a general homework book. Unless stated, all homework should be completed in the homework book and returned to school by the set date. Please back the homework diary and books in sticky back plastic to protect the books. Either Theme or Science will be given out towards the end of the week and due on the following Wednesday unless otherwise stated. English and Maths will be given every Friday and should be returned the following Wednesday. Spellings will be given on a Friday and tested on the following Wednesday.
Working Together Tuesdays – Between 3.15pm and 3.30pm you are welcome to come and speak to the class teacher. As mentioned before the Diary and Reading Record may also be used for communication between home and school. They will both be checked for signatures. To encourage the children to be responsible for keeping their diaries and reading records up to date they will receive a house point for each if they are signed.
Practical Details Uniform Please ensure all uniform is labelled with your child’s name, especially PE kit. Equipment A small pencil case containing HB pencils, a sharpener, a selection of colouring pencils and felt tips, and 2 glue sticks. Once your child receives their pen licence, please ensure they have three blue handwriting pens. Their pencil case should be kept in school since it will be needed every day. All children will also need an art shirt (this can be an old shirt). PE PE kits should always be at school during term time (navy shorts, plain white T-shirt or the new logo P.E top (available from Beats Uniform) and trainers (white or black). Outdoor and indoor PE days may vary from term to term. During the swimming term the children will not usually have any other PE. We aim to run the daily mile each day in school so children will need their trainers in school every day.
Swimming The children will take turns to go swimming twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, in Year 4. 4L will go in the Autumn term, 4GH will be going in the Spring term and 4F will go in the Summer term. Your child will require a swimming kit. This must include the following: Swimwear – Girls must wear a one piece costume (no bikinis or tankinis). Boys must wear swimming trunks that are to be no longer than mid- thigh and tight to the skin (No Bermuda shorts). A swimming hat - All children must wear swimming hats. A towel. The pool instructors will tell the children when they are allowed to bring goggles. Please make sure your child remembers to bring their swimming kit to school when it is their turn. As cloakroom space is limited, only lightweight drawstring bags are allowed. If your child is unable to swim or forgets their kit they will be staying in school with one of the other Year 4 classes. Children can bring in one, small, healthy snack to have after swimming. E.g: Fruit or a cereal bar.
Music All year 4 children have the opportunity to learn the clarinet for a term. These are provided by the school. 4F will learn in the Autumn term, 4L in the Spring term and 4GH in the Summer term.
Thank you for coming to hear all about Year 4 Thank you for coming to hear all about Year 4! We look forward to working with you and your children this year.